Membership Services Conference 2024: Slides

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

Here’s all the slides from session presenters at Membership Services Conference 2024

(You can find last year’s collection on the site here)

Wonkhe: Giving students power – a campaign for student rights

Wonkhe: Impersonal tutors – how to scaffold belonging and make the SU indispensable

Wonkhe: Ten reasons why SUs are like Eurovision

Wonkhe: Debate: Course reps are dead horses. Stop flogging them.

Wonkhe: Bits and bobs from the Free Speech Session

Andy_Morwood_Alexa – Run My Students Union

Rosie_Hunnam_Risk Mgmt – MSCONF – Organised Fun

Rosie_Hunnam_MSConf Sports Memberships – Organised Fun

Olivia_Flavell (Durham SU)_Facilitating student belonging

Nick_Smith _240809 Why are we democratic

Nick_Smith _240809 How to Pxxx off your Trustee Board

Neil Mckenzie Beckett SU Community Organising Strategy

The Challenges of Student Voice: Can Sortition and/or Citizens’ Assemblies Help?

“Tears in the Rain” Best practice at Welcome/Freshers Fairs

MS What do students need to know about consent and sexual violence

Vicky_Bathrelou_the housing problem msc

Tom_Snape_Community Organising Campaigns Citizens UK MSC 202…

Telling Complex Stories

Supporting and enhancing the international student experience

Student Induction and Orientation Report (DSU 2024) (1)

Steve_Coole_I know what you did last summer too!

Social Prescribing Presentation

SBN Presentation – Nelnet

Sarah_Ellis_Train the Trainer

Ruth_Dalton_Curriculum Mapping MSConf 2024 (1)

Rosie_Hunnam_Student-led’s sake

Mollie_Foster_Making Every Penny Count, How Salford SU

Mollie_Foster_Project examples

Mollie_Foster_National Lottery funding – impact report

Mollie_Foster_Application questions

Meg_Haskins_UMSU x UCLSU Insight presentation

Matt_Wall_Best Practice in welcome fairs

Maria_Loray_Despacito- MSC presentation

Lizzie _Payne _Liberation communities

Joel_Dowson_GMSP presentation MSC

Lindsey_Lockey_Draft 2 Dangerous Behaviours presentation

Krystyna_Drewenska_Keeping Student Reps

Jo_Walters_Comms for non-comms people

Jo_Chimes_NUS conf ASA presentation Aug 24

Jayne_Flowers_Reward and Recognition Scheme Final

Jayne_Flowers_Reward and Recognition Scheme Final 1

Jayne_Flowers_MSC Uplifting and Empowering

Hannah_Snape_USE MMU research Aug 2024 Presentation

Jawanza_Ipyana_Advice service capacity- addressing caseload…

James_Lindsay_Sabbatical Officer Support Slides

Is it all just hope and good will evaluating long term impac…

Have we forgotten how to lobby people that might actually li…

Hannah_Winslade_MS Conf – HW session

Gemma_Slade_OIA presentation for NUS MSConf 2024


Gabby _Morgan_Memerhsip Services Conference 2024

Ffion Thomas_Elections Playback 2024 – MSC Presentation

Ffion Thomas_Elections Playback 2024 – MSC Presentation

Ffion Thomas_Elections Playback 2024 – MSC Presentation – fi…

Ffion Thomas_Elections Playback 2024 – MSC Presentation – fi…

Farrah_Black_MSC’24 Presentation

Facilitating student belonging (MSC)

Emily Clarkson_Inclusive Training Practice – MSConf

Danny Walker_Information sharing between SUs and their paren…

Dal_Warburton_AdviceUK Casework in Student Union Advice Serv…

Clare_Lowe_Challenges for Advice Managers

Chiara_Blows_WonkHE bursary presentation_09-08-24

Chiara_Blows_Liberation presentation 09-08-24

“The Modern Committee”-compressed

Charlotte_Burke_MSC Academic Communities – Societies and Rep…

Charlotte_Britton-Stevens (NUS_Charity Governance Code – MSC…

Academic Misconduct A Holistic Approach CC Presentation


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