Wonkhe explainers for SUs

This is a briefing for Wonkhe SUs subscribers.

There’s a lot of material both on the main Wonkhe site and on our subsite for SUs.

If you’re searching for a subject, the first and best place to look is probably Wonkhe’s general search function via the search button at the top right hand corner of the site. You can also always email us if you want to know if we have something on an issue, or want to know where you might be able to find something either from us or another organisation.

Every week we publish new explainer riefings for SUs on issues of concern to students and SUs. We update this listing every six months or so – for the latest briefings go here.  This index can be used to do a quick search for keywords – use CTRL+F.


There are a number of collections of articles, blogs and briefings which are collected by tag. You can find tags to the left hand side of most articles on the site – but some of the most popular ones are:


Students’ unions

Cost of living

Fees and funding

Student accommodation

Mental Health and Duty of care


Higher education in Wales

Higher education in Scotland


The Teaching Excellence Framework

Race and ethnicity

Access and widening participation

The regulation of higher education

We also have archives of:

The Wonkhe show podcast archive

The Membership Services Show

Long reads

And some box sets of our audio series on the “Hidden History” of higher education.

And for students’ unions:

An archive of Wonkhe SUs blogs written by and about our SU sector

An archive of our Friday morning email briefings for SUs

Blogs on the future of SUs

An archive of our Webinars for SUs

An archive of the findings from SU research projects

Belong, by Cibyl and Wonkhe

Is the student experience out of time?

Some students have. Some students have not

Students need to feel more connected – to both the campus and each other

Disabled students need more than support plans and “fixing”

Students can’t get no sleep

What is Belong telling us about career confidence, belonging and student opportunities?

There may be serious sector problems when it comes to students and food

Students need to see themselves in their SU

The free speech problem is a crisis of confidence

Can students be bothered to come to campus?

Isn’t it time the sector showed it can learn too?

Research on value of SUs

Do students’ unions make a difference?

Opportunity Blocked: how student opportunities and SUs relate to student life, belonging and outcomes.

Opportunity blocked summary blogs:

Students’ unions

How lonely are students?

Commuters and London

The value of SUs

Student confidence and outcomes

Getting involved

How policy and politics works

What could the King’s Speech mean for students and SUs?

It’s Freshers Week for new MPs – what do SUs need to know?

Finding your university in the data: Summer 2024 edition

It’s all coming up – ten things for SUs to prepare for in 2024

Here’s the latest intel on students and voting

A general election is on – here’s what SUs need to know

All about students and HE in Europe and the role of the EU

What do the public think about tuition fees?

What’s in the HE reform consultation response?

Reflecting on a decade of higher education policy and politics – and looking ahead

Here’s why understanding trends in applicant data matters for SUs

What is the Boycott Bill and why might it matter to students and SUs?

Are university campuses breeding grounds for extremism?

What are the four classic policy goals?

(Hear the drummer) get wicked problems

General election 2024

How to get the student vote out

General election 2024 manifesto watch: The SNP

The Wonkhe SUs 2024 general election student policy guide

General election 2024 manifesto watch: The Reform Party

General election 2024 manifesto watch: Plaid Cymru

General election 2024 manifesto watch: The Labour Party

General election 2024 manifesto watch: The Green Party

General election 2024 manifesto watch: The Conservative Party

General election 2024 manifesto watch: Liberal Democrats

Study tours

Spring 2024 Study Tour: Austria

Spring 2024 Study Tour: Serbia

Spring 2024 Study Tour: Slovenia

Spring 2024 Study Tour: Croatia

2024 Study Tour: Ireland

Study Tours 2024: Finland

Study Tours 2024: Estonia

Study Tours 2024: Latvia

Study Tours 2024: Lithuania

Scandi Mini Tour 2023: Denmark

Scandi Mini Tour 2023: Sweden

Study Tour 2023: Germany

Study Tour 2023: The Netherlands

Study Tour 2023: EU

Study Tour 2023: Belgium

Freedom of speech

Gaza campus protests: two human rights law experts write new principles for universities

The essential (revised and updated) guide for SUs to the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023

SU staff and the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act

Free speech act and SUs – fines and recovery of costs by OfS

What happened in OfS’ free speech guidance webinar for SUs?

Understanding and responding to OfS’ consultation on guidance on SU free speech duties

Understanding the free speech legal balance

Can students send “grossly offensive” emails to SU officers and claim “free speech”?

SUs, free speech, the equality act, controversial beliefs and the interactions with democracy

OfS consults on (and answers questions on) free speech

How to respond to OfS’ consultation on new free speech duties for SUs

How to respond to OfS’ consultation on its new free speech complaints scheme

How will complaints in SUs work in England under the free speech bill?

When is it right to “interfere” in the free speech of student activists, officers or student groups?

England’s Free Speech Act – what happens now

Understanding new “legal briefings” on SUs and free speech

How to feed in on your university’s approach to free speech

Student views (and student types) on campus free speech

Should there be new law to protect debate on campus?

A legal view on “no platform” policies

Teaching and learning

What is the Lifelong Loan Entitlement and how is it supposed to work?

OfS has a new inspection report out – here’s what SUs and their reps need to know

What exactly does “student success” mean

What SUs need to know about “block” teaching

What students want to see in academic integrity policy in an age of AI

More ways to use OfS inspection reports to drive change for students

The upside of AI for students – getting students engaged in the future

What did the TEF panel really notice in SU submissions?

Imagine if there was a subject-level TEF

This new model could be great for course reps wanting to make a difference

There’s a new “student needs framework”. Here’s what SUs need to know

How to interrogate the student experience at subject level

Expectations and anticipations – how to not let students down

How do we make assessment more “authentic” given the rise of the robots?

What do students think would make university more engaging?

A beginner’s guide to university policies on Generative AI

What are students saying about generative AI ?

How do staff and students feel about lecture recordings?

How do early morning classes affect student attendance and attainment?

Timetabling is stopping students from getting a job

Seven big takeaways for SUs from the 2022 UK Engagement Survey

Reviewing policies on lecture capture

What SUs need to know about a revised Quality Code

All the TEF 2023 student submissions in one place

The Welsh government is slowing down the creation of CTER – here’s what SUs need to know

How to use OfS inspection reports to drive change for students

Weighing up types of teaching in the student interest

Can we (and should we) measure how much students learn?

What is “socio-educational well-being” and do university classrooms affect it?

Learning through successful feedback

What do students want from assessment feedback?

Does lecture capture mean fewer students are turning up (and so what if it does?)

Do learning analytics help us spot students in trouble?

Could moderation make marking fairer and mean more consistent feedback?

What the research says about lecture capture

What do students want from library refurbs?

Timetabling, soft skills and student support: does the new “football uni” have the answers?

Can we “nudge” students towards better grades?

How are degrees calculated – and why does it matter?

A code for quality

How many students cheat – and what approaches work?

Why should I care about QAA and HESA?

What’s all the fuss about grade inflation?

Should we manage, meet, or transform student expectations?

A quick guide to qualitative data

A look at personal tutoring policies

University management, strategy and governance

The Scottish Funding Council has a new Outcomes Framework. Here’s what SUs need to know

What do students think of uni comms (inside and outside of a crisis?)

What are universities doing about climate change?

How to respond to OfS’ review of admissions (and why SUs should bother)

UUK has been polling people on what they think about admissions

The fast way to understand debates about post-Brexit immigration and universities

Half of universities have made “divestment” commitments. Has yours?

Higher education, students, and a sense of place

Make me an offer – how students get recruited to universities and why it matters to SUs

Are universities a sinister cult, and can you have a “neutral” education?

It’s all coming up – ten things we think will happen next term

What (and where) on earth is TNE?

Data for the terrified- where to find facts, figures and numbers about unis

An overview of the regulatory framework for England

Where are we at on student period poverty?

What is a healthy university – and why does it matter?

Do students look at the feedback they get?

Augar is here: what do SUs need to know?

How much should my VC get paid (and should students have a say?)

Are university league tables broken?

A beginner’s guide to HESA data

Cost of living

Comparing the financial help that universities give to students

How to approach discussions on university rent setting

50p a week to live on after rent

How do students spend bursaries and hardship funds?

The student money survey 2023 is out. Here’s what SUs need to know

The Wonkhe SUs student cost of living resource hub

How to ensure students benefit from the Household Support Fund

A new report covers student cost of living information – here’s what SUs need to know

What is polling on students and the cost of living crisis telling us?

Helping students with cost of living pressures improves their sense of belonging

How to apply for the Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund (England)

What are universities doing on the cost of living crisis?

What’s in the APPG students report on students and cost of living – and why it matters

The cost of living crisis is hitting students’ grades

Cost of living and mental health and closely related

Sixteen things that prospective MPs won’t know about when it comes to student finance

Here’s what SUs need to know about digital poverty

How to establish a student basic needs agenda (and centre)

Pay and rights for PhD students across Europe

The latest for SUs on holiday pay

3 per cent of students have enough money

Will Sharia-compliant student finance ever happen?

Hidden course costs and consumer law

Make it make sense – understanding England’s system of student finance

Students unions

Do SUs help students pick up the skills that employers need?

Lessons for SU trustees from the Save the Children harassment investigation

What are the development needs of sabbs?

Sports teams and homophobia – still a problem?

How representative are SU officers?

SUs as charities and external advertising

What’s the secret to keeping SU staff?

What is deliberative democracy and why should SUs think about it?

What can SUs learn from Essex Uni’s antisemitism review?

Six things to bear in mind about NSS Q26

The way holiday pay is calculated is changing and it will affect students

What would an “assertive” partnership with a university look like?

Why can’t SUs campaign on whatever they like?

Need to know – the law on students’ unions

Changes to employment law

Making the town or city where you study better

How to be “positively pushy” to get things done for students

You’ll spend a lot of time in useless meetings. Here’s how to make them even worse

A new “civic healthcheck” for your uni and SU

What makes a powerful SU officer, team or organisation?

How empowered SUs could transform the student experience

What are the basics that all higher education SUs should have?

How to support student officers to transition out of their role

Membership Services Conference 2023: Slides

How to develop urban advocacy projects in an election year

Meet the SU with a €4m block grant and hundreds of sabbs

How to develop a student urban advocacy agenda

Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSAs) and new “foreign influence” regulation

Student casuals are to get a right to request predictable hours: Here’s what SUs need to know

There’s new formal guidance on the use of social media. Here’s what SUs need to know

Martyn’s Law: What SUs need to know

What are this year’s Freshers thinking?

How to speak on a panel or deliver a keynote with confidence and impact

How to be an influential and effective SU officer

All the latest research on the value of extra curricular activities

Why do students get involved in stuff?

Thirty ideas for revitalising welcome week from across Europe

Students’ union strategies

How do universities recognise student volunteering?

Here’s why activities, events, groups or reps for a particular group aren’t unlawful

Workplace equality for SUs in the time of coronavirus

Knowing your DSARs from your elbow: Data subject access requests

Postgraduate students

Should there be standards in PGR supervision?

What is it like being a PGR/PhD student in the UK?

Improving the relationship between PGR students and their supervisors

A whole bunch of extraordinary facts about postgraduate study in the UK

What about postgrads that teach?

What about postgrad student mental health?

The headlines from the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2019

The headlines you need from the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2019

Why postgraduate taught students are about to move up SUs’ priority list

PGR students and their supervisors

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2018

Charity Commission: Serious incident reporting

Charity Commission- serious incident reporting

Understanding and responding to the independent review of the TEF

Is this a turning point in the campus culture wars?

What makes a powerful SU officer, team or organisation?

New freedom of speech guidance – implications for SUs

Students and employment

What on earth is “graduate outcomes” data and why should SUs care?

Labour is promising to improve workers’ rights and pay. Here’s the implications for SUs

Students need more financial support on work placements

What sort of conditions do students face at work – and what can universities and SU do about it?

Does paid work boost students’ confidence?

What exactly is “graduate employability” anyway (and what gets graduates employed?)

What on earth is “graduate outcomes” data and why should SUs care?

Students need jobs – but what sort?

Are graduates hitting the world of work underprepared?

Students want jobs and Advance HE has a framework for that

It’s name is LEO

Misconduct and protecting students from harm

What are “romantic advances” and why might they harm students?

Staff sexual misconduct – improving students’ rights

Ten things to note in UCL’s new policy on staff student relationships

BUCS is intervening on “problem initiations”

Here’s what universities are doing about online abuse of students

What should SUs interrogate when it comes to student data?

HEPI/Youthsight research on student cybersecurity

Making staff sexual misconduct more visible

How much progress has your uni made on “changing the culture”?

Universities UK guidance on initiations at UK universities

UUK on tackling online harassment

How to respond to the Government consultation on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Nine big issues for reviews of harassment procedures

How to use the evaluation of OfS projects on student safeguarding locally

So your uni’s reviewing disciplinary procedures

Student disciplinary procedures in focus

What is Title IX and what have US universities learned?

Changing the culture – the UUK taskforce report

Student experience

What SUs need to know about the students arriving on campus in September

Top ten takeaways from this year’s Student Academic Experience Survey

How city planners think about student accommodation

Here’s the latest intel on student accommodation

How to use UUK’s guidance on student accommodation to win a local housing strategy for students

Here’s what SUs need to know about PTES 2023

PGRs are lonely and hard up too

Student views of the affordability of plant-based diets

What do students think about learner analytics?

Understanding the “new deal” for PGR students

What to think about if you’re feeding in on a new building or refurb on campus

Here’s what part-time, distance learner and commuter students need their SU to focus on

Top ten takeaways for SUs from the Student Academic Experience Survey 2023

Exploring the transition from PhD student to academic

How to fix the student engagement problem

What SUs need to know about a new report on campus antisemitism

Understanding students and eating disorders

Not all student carers are the same

Supporting students to transition well into university

What about the Covid student doctors?

Do students hope for value for money?

Students are vulnerable to fraud – and need better protection

What are universities doing to close degree awarding gaps?

The essential findings in this year’s Student Academic Experience Survey

A major digital divide is opening up between students

Can social networks be used as an educational resource?

Why are we so negative about students “dropping out”?

Does sleep affect academic performance?

It’s a myth! Made up things about students and universities FINALLY REVEALED

How can uni and SUs bridge the gap between school/college and uni?

Are students turning to private debt to pay rent?

What about the voices of part time students

“Inappropriate influence” and the NSS

What are the benefits to “mixing people up” in halls?

How do people get on when they study more than one subject at uni?

Want better grades? Get more sleep

The type of student accommodation you live in affects your grades

Closing the gap between student expectations and reality

Are housemates the key to student wellbeing?

Ten takeaways from Advance HE’s students statistical report 2019

Students and tech – Jisc’s digital insights survey

The new realists: the 2019 HEPI/Unite Students insight report

Drinking and peer pressure

What do we know about student living costs?

Are student homes fit for habitation?

Do bursaries work?

What has Plato got to do with student rights and expectations?

Students are more skint than ever before

What can London tell us about commuter students?

What can London tell us about retaining students?

The 2019 Student Academic Experience Survey on: welfare disclosure

The 2019 Student Academic Experience Survey on: value for money

The 2019 Student Academic Experience Survey on: learning and teaching

How to read (and use) the HEPI survey results

The hits and misses from the 2019 Student Academic Experience survey

Mandatory affordability strategies

Will Hinds beat the cheats?

What happens to students if there’s “no deal”?

Supporting students and student mental health and wellbeing

How to improve rights for students who have a placement

Which students are suitable candidates for mental health services?

How to measure the mental health of students

First-generation students may need different mental health support

Student mental health, clubs and societies and drugs

A consistent standard of mental health support for students in Wales – here’s what SUs need to know

The latest headlines on student mental health

How to be better at supporting Black students’ wellbeing

What has personality got to do with belonging (and why it might matter to SUs)

Meet the SU with 1500 student leaders and a focus on subject belonging

Facilitating interactions and connections between students outside of the classroom is crucial for belonging

What is Belong telling us about career confidence, belonging and student opportunities?

Belonging is partly about space

Belonging and retention: what does the evidence tell us?

How do you build belonging in a blended environment?

How does students’ socioeconomic status impact their sense of belonging?

Exploring approaches to promoting belonging

Here’s what SUs need to know about the progress of the Renter’s (Reform) Bill in England

Making student housing affordable – rooms that are 10m squared

Here’s the latest intel on student housing

Students from lower socioeconomic backrounds have worse sleep

Why do students pre-drink?

This is why better sleep should matter more to students (and their universities)

Why a basic needs approach may be key to shifting the dial on student support

The university experiences of care experienced students

Are campus nap pods an actual thing?

How to respond to the Welsh government’s consultation on housing rent and supply

Understanding loneliness stigma

Peer support builds connection, community and confidence

What type of interventions best address student loneliness?

The renters (reform) bill – here’s what SUs need to know

What is happening to students in the private rented sector?

Here’s what the implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act means for students and SUs

How to improve safety for students in local pubs and clubs (update)

Women VCs increase reporting rates of gender-based violence on campus

Why do students self-harm?

How to implement a harm reduction approach over drugs and alcohol

What difference do “personal tutors” make – and how?

Does “mindfulness” training help with exams?

Almost half of students have had “a serious psychological issue”

Wellbeing and burnout: is it worse for medical students?

How to tackle student loneliness before term starts

Guess what: there’s a link between the academic experience and mental health

The essential guide to the Student Minds University Mental Health Charter (Part 2)

The essential guide to the Student Minds University Mental Health Charter (Part 1)

Are some subjects worse than others for student mental health?

How to embed mental health in the curriculum

How to close the student mental health attainment gap

Norman Lamb has stats on uni mental health services

Where should we start on student mental health?

What role do teaching and academic staff play in mental health strategies?

Co-producing mental health strategies with students

Inclusion, liberation and equality

There’s new findings on the LGBTQ+ student experience that SUs need to know

After Abrahart: What should SUs push for to improve support for Disabled students? (June 2024 update)

Polling and practice from UUK on students’ experiences of racial harassment

Here’s how SAs in Scotland can “tackle persistent inequalities together”

Are perceptions of teaching excellence impacted by gender?

How do students cope with racism and racial inequality on campus?

How to respond to the consultation on improving non-medical help for disabled students

Expectations on Welsh universities over EDI – what SUs need to know

How to use the new Disabled students commitment

How proposed changes to the Equality Act could impact universities and students

There’s a new report on transition and reasonable adjustments for disabled students. Here’s what SUs need to know

Everything SUs need to know about the student experience of trans and non-binary students

The lived experiences of BAME LGBTQ students

What help is there for students with ADHD – and what should there be?

Seminar attendance, lecture capture and disability adjustments

This is what inclusive education should look like

Do students have a voice in diversity policies?

Hidden marks – the contribution of student leaders to tackling gender-based violence on campus

Financial literacy and the “ethnicity gap” among UK students

Here’s why results from the Disabled Student Survey 2023 matter to SUs

What happens when you ask students themselves about “inclusion”?

OfS has uncovered more gaps in getting in and getting on

You think Oxbridge, you think privilege

Mental health among transgender students

Students these days are so “super complex”

How can students feel safe and not safe all at the same time?

How to improve diversity on campus

Guess what. There’s a religion and belief attainment gap too

Why are LGBT+ students dropping out of uni?

Revealed: The big differences in student satisfaction between types of student

Revealed: what different types of students think of SUs

Are parts of HE turning a blind eye to racism?

This is why men do better when they appeal

How to make a difference for disabled students

Straight white men and diversity projects

Racial harassment at UK universities – summarising the report

Racism on campus – the role of SUs

Understanding the BME attainment gap

Are unis doing enough for disabled students?

Disabled students and living up to the “hype”

Ten takeaways from Trendence research on LGBT+ students

How co-creation can support underrepresented students and equitable practices

How to run research projects on gender-based violence

Decolonising the curriculum means decolonising the library too

Why are my lecturers so white?

Closing the gap: the UUK/NUS attainment report

Is it possible to “liberate the curriculum”?

Ensuring discrimination, harassment and non-reporting policies work for all students

Student representation and voice

A round up of student influence, voice and representation policies from our eurotours

What’s it like being on academic board/council/senate?

The five frames of student representation

A quick guide to university governance

It’s time to unlock students’ voices

Can SUs be truly representative of their student bodies?

Does your university need a student consultation framework?

Lip service and bottlenecks – what is it like being a student representative?

Student-staff co-creation in higher education

Responding to student voice: insights into international practice

Unbiased, reliable, and valid student evaluations can still be unfair

Ten ways to improve institution-level student representation

Partnerships that support student led projects

How to respond to OfS’ consultation on student consultation

Where does student voice go?

Student rights and protections

Interventions that reduce academic misconduct

Learning and rights from complaints from postgrads

Tackling violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in HE in Wales: What SUs need to know

The ten failings in a recent “duty of care” case over allegations of sexual assault

A new law passes on sexual harassment in the workplace – here’s what SUs need to know

Broadening our understanding of sexual violence on campus

Round table report: Harassment and sexual misconduct

How to respond to OfS’ proposals on harassment and sexual misconduct

How do students define sexual consent?

Here’s what SUs need to know about OfS’ new proposals on harassment and sexual misconduct

How impactful is mandatory sexual misconduct training for students?

What can SUs learn from complaints concerning halls?

What can SUs learn from complaints concerning non-academic misconduct?

What can SUs learn from complaints summaries in OIA’s annual report?

What can SUs learn from complaints concerning academic misconduct?

What can SUs learn from complaints summaries in OIA’s annual report?

What are students’ rights if cuts are proposed or implemented?

How to improve your university’s handling of allegations of sexual misconduct

How to protect students from the cuts that are coming

Understanding students’ experiences of violence on and off campus

Making major changes to courses just got a lot harder

Is it time to review your university’s student protection plan?

Ten things to note from OIA’s annual report

What do students think about the so-called “value for money” agenda?

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 and Industrial Action

How are SUs handling term two of strike action?

How much profit does your university make out of students?

How to respond to the OfS consultation on harassment and sexual misconduct

How to respond to OIA’s extenuating circumstances consultation

How to tell students where their tuition fees go

Fitness to practise – case studies from OIA

Understanding “fitness to practise”

Should students who owe their university money be able to graduate?

Fitness to practice and unsual academic regs

Essential welfare intervention or surveillance state?

Attendance monitoring at university

Hidden course costs and consumer law

International students

The government response to the graduate review is out – here’s the upshots for SUs

What to look out for in the MAC review

Will lecture recordings for international students be banned in the future?

Here’s what SUs should argue for on international students and technology

How to run impactful focus groups with international students

How to sponsor international graduates as “skilled workers”

The rules when international students become sabbs

Internationalisation at home: Here’s what SUs need to know

Who’s offering hardship funding for international students?

Where international students can pay by instalments (and how many)

How big is the international attainment gap at your university?

What are international disabled students entitled to?

Here’s what UUK says universities should do when recruiting international students

How to define and measure international student precarity

Improving the narrative around internationalisation

International students’ digital experience – what SUs need to know

Supporting and enhancing the experience of international students

International students need tailored support when it comes to sexual violence

Is international integration all about pairing?

Helping international students to achieve academic integration

How to improve international student integration and experience

Here’s what SUs need to know when making sense of recent immigration figures

Ten things to remember about temporary changes to immigration rules for international students

Do we need an international students integration index?

How can we promote international integration on campus?

Do international students think Britain is drunk?

Strikes and industrial action

Everything SUs need to know about industrial action in the sector

Industrial action latest statements

Thorny issues to think through in the run up to industrial action

Student rights and industrial action

Implications for SUs of summaries of strike complaints

Compensation and industrial action

Policy forums and round tables

Policy forum update: PGR student experience

Policy forum update: Building belonging and tackling loneliness

Policy forum update: Harassment and sexual misconduct

Policy forum update: AI and assessment

Policy forum update: Student cost of living

Policy forum report: Course rep coordinators

Policy forum report: Advice managers catch up

Policy forum report: International

Round table report: Supporting Disabled sabbs

Round table report: EDI in clubs and societies

Access and participation

Takeaways for SUs from OfS’ latest webinar on access and participation

Is there a link between gender-based violence and access and participation?

Here’s what SUs need to know about OfS’ new regulation of access and participation

Amended guidance on APPs – here’s what matters to SUs (Jan 2024 UPDATE)

Student engagement in OfS’ new APP process

So did universities build student engagement into access and participation plans?

Access and participation to… postgrad study?

Plums on the tree – what’s going on with social mobility?

What helps first in the family students to succeed?

Helping under-represented students navigate academic culture

Revealed: how to stop WP students from dropping out

What do published access and participation strategies say about SU and student involvement?

What’s the Sutton Trust saying about prospective students?

Contextual admissions – a quick explainer

What’s all the fuss about unconditional offers?

General election 2019

The Wonkhe SUs 2019 general election student policy guide

There’s a new “ranking” out on voter registration

Update from the Cabinet Office on electoral registration and NI numbers

SUs, elections and charity law: nothing to worry about

The electoral commission has clarified some things for charities

Getting students registered to vote is an urgent priority

General election 2019 manifesto watch: Plaid Cymru

General election 2019 manifesto watch: The Conservative Party

General election 2019 manifesto watch: The Brexit Party

General election 2019 manifesto watch: The Labour Party

General election 2019 manifesto watch: The Liberal Democrats

General election 2019 manifesto watch: The Green Party


Next academic year and the “structure of learning”

Inducting, socialising and engaging students in the “new normal”

Student views on Covid-19 and implications for SUs

Ten important findings about young people and education from ONS research into the impact of Covid-19

Students are keen to come back – with caveats

What are universities planning and are students still coming?

Bolton or Cambridge? Announcements on lifting lockdown tested

Will students defer or switch if September is socially distant?

How is Covid-19 impacting disabled students?

Is the penny starting to drop for students re September?

What sort of impact is the pandemic having on PGRs?

What should universities be doing for PGR students during the pandemic?

Would students be happy if next term was online?

How many students are already locked into accommodation contracts next year?

What impact is Covid-19 having on students (and what do they think of their university’s handling of it)

How confident is the Covid cohort when it comes to finding a job?

It looks like international students are desperate to defer

What are prospective students saying about universities and student support?

Digging into research on student views on Covid-19 handling

Covid-19 mitigations and deaf students

Are “student compacts” an answer to some of the September student questions?

Students, spring break, science and September

Are students worried about their uni going bankrupt?

There’s a briefing out on mental health and Covid-19

How to reopen universities in September

NHS Test and Trace and the major questions for students

The practicalities of a socially distant campus

What can we do about the graduate unemployment crisis that’s coming?

What bespoke support should be in place for disadvantaged students during the crisis?

It’s a small world – how contagious are university campuses?

Preparing to discuss your university’s finances

Holding meetings during the Covid-19 lockdown

As everything moves online, do you know your data rights?

What you need to know about the furloughed workers scheme

How should SUs manage risk in the current climate?Changes being made to teaching and assessment have to last beyond the lockdown

OIA has new guidance out on how it will approach Covid complaints

Students need detail about September – but is that possible?

DfE has published guidance on reopening universities in the autumn

QAA has guidance out on courses and assessment next year

UUK has published some principles and considerations on emerging from lockdown

QAA has published briefings on years abroad and placements

What are FE colleges being told about opening – and why might it matter for HE?

There is new guidance on student (and staff) mental health and wellbeing

QAA has guidance out on placements, years abroad and apprenticeships

QAA has guidance out on practice and lab-based assessment

QAA has guidance out on academic standards and supporting student achievement

OfS publishes guidance on teaching, assessment, student support and consumer rights during Covid-19

Key points from QAA’s guidance on Covid-19 and the student learning experience

Student rights and Covid-19: OIA on complaints during the pandemic

Coronavirus and protecting students’ interests

What are universities being advised about coronavirus and what are the implications for SUs?

Complaints, compensation and Covid-19

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