This article is more than 1 year old

Wonkhe explainers for SUs

This article is more than 1 year old

This is a briefing for Wonkhe SUs subscribers.

There’s a lot of material both on the main Wonkhe site and on our subsite for SUs.

If you’re searching for a subject, the first and best place to look is probably Wonkhe’s general search function via the search button at the top right hand corner of the site. You can also always email us if you want to know if we have something on an issue, or want to know where you might be able to find something either from us or another organisation.


There are a number of collections of articles, blogs and briefings which are collected by tag. You can find tags to the left hand side of most articles on the site – but some of the most popular ones are:

We also have archives of:

And for students’ unions:

Research on value of SUs

Opportunity blocked summary blogs:

SUs Briefings index

Every week we publish new briefings for SUs on issues of concern to students and SUs. We update this listing every month or so – for the latest briefings go here.

Cost of living

How policy works

Teaching and learning

University management, strategy and governance

Freedom of speech

Students unions

Postgraduate students

Students and employment

Misconduct and protecting students from harm

Student experience

Supporting students and student mental health and wellbeing

Inclusion, liberation and equality

Student representation and voice

Student rights and protections

International students

Strikes and industrial action

Access and participation

General election 2019


Wider Covid-19 policy issues

Guidance for universities on Covid-19


SUs latest Latest SUs blogs

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