Latest SUs blogs

Why the fight for ethical university finance isn’t over
Jo Campling explores how SUs can shift from advocating for divestment and towards impact investment.
How to run a students' union

Latest Blogs

We’re taking action to strengthen free speech on campus
There is a problem with free speech on campus, just not the one people think. Lauren Amdor explains what they've found at LSE, and what the SU is doing about it
The Friday SUs Briefing Email

Student experience on Wonkhe

Making space for commuter students
Susan Preston explores the wider commuter student experience and why making space for commuters builds belonging.
Students' unions on Wonkhe

The best and most rewarding study time possible
Reflecting on 48 hours in the Swedish capital, Jim Dickinson wonders what's in Sweden's sauce to cause depth and breath in student culture
SUs Video Briefings

Freedom of speech in SUs

For SUs, free speech regulation is a terrible mess
Jim Dickinson reflects on a new legal case that highlights the importance of democratic debate and the right of citizens and members to discriminate on the basis of others' beliefs
Students unions on Wonkhe

OfS’ quality reports are music to students’ ears
The higher education regulator's quality reports into business provision are proving to be a hit with students that have read them. Jim Dickinson tunes in
cost of living on wonkhe

Curtain call on traditional time-intensive drama training
Randall Whittaker and Stephen Farrier argue for a better model for dramatic arts education – one that acknowledges the competing cost and time pressures on students
accommodation on wonkhe

Belong from Wonkhe and Cibyl

Get involved in our national student experience research
We're inviting our subscriber SUs to take part in our new student research platform, Belong. Here's how it will work
Featured SUs Explainers

Here’s what SUs need to know about OfS’ new regulation of access and participation
The Office for Students (OfS) has published new arrangements for the regulation of equality of opportunity in higher education in England and there are big opportunities for SUs.
Students on wonk corner

Free speech

Who are the victims in the campus culture wars?
Who are the students assumed to be losing out over free speech controversies, and how should we support them? Jim Dickinson interrogates the data.
Featured SUs Explainers

Featured SUs blogs

We need to talk about sabbatical burnout
One of the conversations we have a lot at this time of year with SUs is about burnout and sabbatical officer workload.
Policy forums and round tables

Round table report: Harassment and sexual misconduct
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Study Tour 2023: The low countries

As the sector expands, why are we letting more mean less?
Are we making compromises to the student experience just to make the numbers add up? Jim Dickinson and Livia Scott reflect on a week in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany with student leaders.
Country Briefings

Nick Smith's adventures in SU democracy and governance