Image: Shutterstock DfE reaches its “second” stage milestone on mental health. Are we nearly there yet? by Jim Dickinson Comment 5/12/24 2
Image: Shutterstock It’s time for a legislative response to student suicide by Emma Roberts Comment 3/12/24 7
Image: Midjourney Building community is as important as counselling wait times for student mental health by Livia Scott Comment 7/11/24 2
Image: Midjourney How to learn from cases of student death by suicide by Robert Abrahart Comment 25/10/24 4
Image: Shutterstock Collective responsibility, collective action to prevent student suicide by Jo Smith Comment 11/10/24
Image: Shutterstock Student and staff wellbeing is shaped by university surroundings by Susan Wilbraham Comment 2/10/24 4
Glacial progress on student mental health is in sharp contrast to ministerial promises Glacial progress on student mental health is in sharp contrast to ministerial promises by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 26/09/24 2
Scotland publishes an action plan on student mental health Scotland publishes an action plan on student mental health by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 16/09/24 1
Universities and their staff should be under a "duty of candour" Universities and their staff should be under a “duty of candour” by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 21/07/24
Robert Halfon's mental health taskforce misses its targets Robert Halfon’s mental health taskforce misses its targets by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 26/05/24
Image: Midjourney Higher risks and longer delays: Student mental health advisors on the front line by Rachel Spacey Comment 3/05/24
Image: Shutterstock It is not sustainable to expect universities to offer specialist mental health support by Debbie McVitty Comment 14/03/24 5
Image: Shutterstock Helping students means taking university staff wellbeing seriously by Kate Lister Comment 14/03/24 5
Image: Shutterstock The University of Bristol loses its appeal over the Abrahart case by Jim Dickinson Comment 14/02/24 2
Podcast: International students, mental health, students and politics by Team Wonkhe Podcasts 2/02/24
Image: Midjourney DfE’s taskforce on student mental health hasn’t the force and isn’t up to the task by Jim Dickinson Comment 31/01/24 1
Image: Shutterstock What role should staff play in preventing student suicide? by Jim Dickinson Comment 29/01/24 4
Duty of Care reaches the High Court Duty of Care reaches the High Court by Sunday Blake Wonk Corner 10/12/23 1
Halfon gives an update on student mental health Halfon gives an update on student mental health by Michael Salmon Wonk Corner 21/11/23 2
Shutterstock_2345952077 (1) How arts methods can foster a sense of belonging in students by Miranda Matthews Comment 17/11/23
Image: Shutterstock There may be serious sector problems when it comes to students and food by Jim Dickinson Comment 7/11/23
Student suicides review has "significant shortcomings" Student suicides review has “significant shortcomings” by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 30/10/23
What's happening with the government's review of student suicides? What’s happening with the government’s review of student suicides? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 20/10/23
Image: Shutterstock What neurodiverse learners told us they needed in order to thrive by Emma Whewell Comment 6/10/23 5
DCMS is winging it on student loneliness DCMS is winging it on student loneliness by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 18/09/23
Image: Midjourney There’s a crisis in student confidence. Here’s how to fix it by Rhiannon Jenkins Comment 28/07/23 2
Image: Shutterstock We must address on-campus misogyny by upholding freedom of speech by Sunday Blake Comment 10/07/23 4
Image: Shutterstock Average experience scores belie a bifurcating cohort of survivors and thrivers by Jim Dickinson Analysis 22/06/23
Image: Shutterstock Government rejection of legislation will not be the last word on universities’ duty of care by Debbie McVitty Comment 12/06/23 1
Image: Shutterstock Rejection of legal duty of care marks a bad day for students’ rights by Robert Abrahart Comment 12/06/23 5
Westminister Hall debate on statutory duty of care Westminister Hall debate on statutory duty of care by Sunday Blake Wonk Corner 5/06/23
Image: Shutterstock Duty of care is not just about suicide prevention by Sunday Blake Comment 5/06/23 5
Image: Midjourney Welsh autonomy on student mental health will see improved consistency by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 5/06/23 1
Image: Shutterstock Where is the line between tailoring and universality in mental health support? by Jim Dickinson Comment 30/05/23
Image: Shutterstock Mental health and wellbeing work is highly inconsistent by Jim Dickinson Comment 26/05/23 2
Image: Shutterstock What does duty of care mean when it comes to universities and students? by Jim Dickinson Comment 22/05/23
Image: Shutterstock Universities need regulation, not optional guidance, on how they support student mental health by Kirsty Palmer Comment 22/05/23 3
Image: Shutterstock Universities need to normalise mental illness by Pathik Pathak Comment 19/05/23 6
Is it time for a Support Excellence Framework? Is it time for a Support Excellence Framework? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 17/05/23 5
The sector and families of students who died by suicide are talking at cross purposes The sector and families of students who died by suicide are talking at cross purposes by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 24/04/23
Image: Midjourney Our education system covertly fuels a mental health crisis by Wendy Garnham Comment 20/04/23 5
Students are getting more lonely, not less Students are getting more lonely, not less by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 31/03/23
Podcast: Access and participation, applications, mental health, Turnitin by Team Wonkhe Podcasts 31/03/23
Image: Shutterstock Ambitious recommendations for student mental health in Wales by Michael Salmon Policy Watch 29/03/23 1
Image: Shutterstock We need to re-focus our efforts on student wellbeing by Rosie Tressler Comment 9/03/23 2
Podcast: Student finance, student suicide, PGR supervision, Disabled students by Team Wonkhe Podcasts 16/12/22 2
Have students got a problem with food? Have students got a problem with food? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 30/11/22 3
Image: Shutterstock Supporting student resilience is about moving from surviving to thriving by Amy Irwin Comment 11/11/22
Image: Shutterstock How can we continue to improve university mental health support? by Chantel Le Carpentier Comment 13/10/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Everyone assumes universities have a duty of care towards students – our campaign would establish one by Robert Abrahart Comment 10/10/22 5
Podcast: Conservative conference, outcomes and experience data, student suicide by Team Wonkhe Podcasts 7/10/22
Four developments to note on student suicide prevention policy Four developments to note on student suicide prevention policy by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 6/10/22 4
wonkhe data capability How to support students to feel valued and understood in an increasingly digital world. by Sunday Blake Comment 27/09/22
Image: Shutterstock Caring could be the motivational tool we all need by Louise Hannan Comment 23/08/22 2
Image: Shutterstock How to prevent a nursing student retention crisis by Rachel Maxwell Comment 8/08/22
Image: Shutterstock Questions about human tragedy demand a human response by Simon Merrywest Comment 14/07/22 2
Image: Shutterstock Low-stakes failure as a method to improve learner agency and resilience by Kelly Edmunds Comment 12/07/22 2
Image: Shutterstock Building students’ sense of belonging needs time and energy by Anna Jackson Research 20/06/22
Image: Shutterstock Whose job is it to help students make friends? by Jim Dickinson Comment 20/06/22 3
Podcast: Public accounts committee, belonging, student financial support, free speech by Team Wonkhe Podcasts 17/06/22
Shutterstock_2119075409 Anxious students want to us to help them spend time with and learn with each other by Jim Dickinson Analysis 9/06/22 2
Image: Shutterstock Creating a blueprint for supporting student mental health by Ben Lewis Comment 12/05/22
Image: Shutterstock What works in tackling mental health inequalities? by Sarah Chappell Comment 10/05/22
Image: Shutterstock Post-covid mental health perils for doctoral students and early career researchers by Rebecca Sanderson Comment 30/03/22
Why are over a quarter of students not attending anything in-person? Why are over a quarter of students not attending anything in-person? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 21/03/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Why might a student avoid a university’s mental health emergency contact protocol? by Myles-Jay Linton Analysis 3/03/22 3
Image: Shutterstock Mental health is a teaching and learning issue by Jim Dickinson Comment 3/03/22 1
Image: Shutterstock How to teach and support students through times of stress or disadvantage by Doug Specht Comment 11/02/22
Are we seeing improvements in student mental health? Are we seeing improvements in student mental health? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 8/02/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Final year students are still (feeling) screwed by Jim Dickinson Comment 25/01/22
Image: Shutterstock What good looks like in embedding mental health support across HE by Zoë Allman Comment 18/01/22 2
Image: IKON OfS needs to ask the right questions on student mental health by Freya Rennison SU Blogs blogs-su 14/01/22
Image: IKON Student wellbeing is about academic experience – especially during Covid by Iwi Ugiagbe-Green Comment 12/01/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Ten notes of caution on making the mental health charter mandatory by Jim Dickinson Comment 17/12/21 2
Image: BBC A trip through the looking glass as DfE convenes work on student transitions by Jim Dickinson Comment 5/12/21 1
Image: Ikon Rebuilding diverse student communities is at the top of vice chancellors’ post-Covid agenda by Mary Curnock Cook Comment 22/11/21
Image: Shutterstock Virtual is new reality in supporting student mental health by Zoë Mills Comment 26/10/21
Image: Shutterstock Beyond the counselling room, what could university mental health support be? by Francesca Boyd Comment 12/10/21 2
Image: Shutterstock Students need universities to prioritise inclusion and academic confidence in the years ahead by Mary Curnock Cook Comment 6/09/21 2
Image: Shutterstock Graduates are right to expect healthy workplaces – so employers should get ready by Sunday Blake Comment 13/08/21