Richard Eyre
Richard Eyre is Chief Programmes Officer at the Brilliant Club, a university access charity.
Richard Eyre is Chief Programmes Officer at the Brilliant Club, a university access charity.
Andrew George is a consultant and executive coach in education, healthcare and ethics.
Peter Lampl is founder and chair of the Sutton Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation.
Brian Hipkin is CEO and founder of ReFRAME HE Consultancy, former vice chair of AMOSSHE, and Dean of Students at Regent’s University.
Ezri Carlebach is a freelance writer and visiting lecturer at the University of Greenwich.
Mandy Crawford-Lee is the Chief Executive of the University Vocational Awards Council
Marion Kelt is an Open Access and Research Librarian at Glasgow Caledonian University library.
Julian Crockford is the Widening Participation Research and Evaluation Unit Manager at the University of Sheffield.
Xenia Levantis is the President of the Norwich University of the Arts Students’ Union
Athene Donald is professor of experimental physics and Churchill College Master at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of the Royal Society
Simon Collinson is DPVC, University of Birmingham, and Chair, Chartered Association of Business Schools.
Dr Helen Carasso is a lecturer in Higher Education in the Department of Education, University of Oxford.
Danny Dorling is the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford.
Richard Garrett is Director of the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE).
Dr Tom Kennie is a Director of Ranmore, a ‘niche’ provider of strategy, leadership and organisational development to the HE sector.
Stan Stanier is Assistant Director of Information Services at the University of Brighton.
Mike Clark is the Director of Estates and Facilities Management at the University of Brighton.
Bill Esmond is Associate Professor for Learning and Employment at the University of Derby.
Karl Leydecker is Vice-Principal Learning and Teaching at the University of Dundee and lead for the current QAA Scotland Enhancement Theme.
Naomi Oosman-Watts is an Assistant Director in the Careers Service at Newcastle University.
Christine works in the Media Relations team within the Communications Unit at The Open University.
Kirsty McLaren manages the Sutton Trust Summer School and Dental Outreach programmes at King’s College London.
Stephen Martin is a Director at PublicCo, a consultancy specialising in public services.
Alister Wilson consults in futures and strategy with clients in higher education, the private sector and government
Anton Muscatelli is Principal and Vice Chancellor at the University of Glasgow
Malcolm Byrne is Head of Communications at the Higher Education Authority (HEA), Ireland. The views expressed are his own.
Zak Liddell is Faculty Student Experience Manager in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at QMUL
Jo Redfern is the Managing Director of Education Cubed.
Michael Otsuka is Professor of Philosophy at the London School of Economics. He has also served as the pensions officer for the LSE’s UCU branch.
Dr George Roberts is a Principal Lecturer in the Student Experience at Oxford Brookes.
Chris Taylor is a Senior Assurance Consultant at internal audit provider Uniac and has previously worked at HEFCE, QAA and NUS.
Sian Bayne is Professor of Digital Education and Assistant Principal for Digital Education at The University of Edinburgh.
Gwen van der Velden was until recently deputy pro vice chancellor for education at the University of Warwick. She is currently on sabbatical as co-leader of the Leadership for Educational Transformation programme for 40 education leaders from Ukraine
James Hand is an Associate Senior Lecturer in the University of Portsmouth Law School. His research is focused on discrimination law and employment law.
Professor Richard Hall is the Co-Director of the Institute for Education Futures, and a Professor of Education and Technology, at De Montfort University.
Kate Kettle is Deputy Director of Widening Participation at King’s College London, and leads on the department’s BME Strategy.
Vivien Rolfe is Head of Herbal Research for Pukka Herbs. She writes here in a personal capacity.
Stella Jones-Devitt is Professor of Critical Pedagogy at Staffordshire University and Director of the Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice
Michael Donnelly is Professor of Education and Social Policy at the University of Bath
Sol Gamsu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Durham University
Charles Heymann is a consultant in strategic communications and reputation management.
Sam Sanders is Director, Consulting Lead for Education, Skills & Productivity for KPMG in the UK
Nigel Carrington is Vice-Chancellor of University of the Arts London and chair of the new agency shadow board.
Dr Hollie Chandler is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Russell Group.
Professor John Last is the Chair of Ukadia and Vice Chancellor at Norwich University of the Arts.
Rhiannon Birch is Director of Strategic Insights and Planning at the University of Derby.
Alan Paull is a Partner at Cetis LLP and has been involved in the development and maintenance of courses information standards since the mid-1980s.
Linda Naughton is Head of Research at Jisc. She is responsible for driving the development, and delivery of Jisc’s research strategy.
Jess Moody is a Senior Policy Adviser at Advance HE and works primarily on social mobility and student diversity.
Harriet Barnes is Head of Policy (Higher Education and Skills) at the British Academy.
Nicola Barden is Director of Student Services at the University of Winchester, and an Executive Member of AMOSSHE, The Student Services Organisation.
Jonathan Boys is a Senior Researcher at the Careers & Enterprise Company. He regularly blogs about education, higher education, labour markets and pay.
Dr Sam Grogan is Pro Vice Chancellor for Student Experience at the University of Salford, and Director of the Teaching Excellence Alliance.
Anne-Marie Canning is chief executive ofThe Brilliant Club.
Dr Lucy Winrow is a researcher at the University of Salford, and works with academics on the ProtectED project.
Sue Rivers is an independent higher education consultant and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Sarah Stevens is Director of Policy at the Russell Group.
James Derounian is a Principal Lecturer in Applied Social Sciences at the University of Gloucestershire.
Peter is Policy Manager, Europe (Research and Innovation) for UUKi.
Sana Iqbal is President of University of Central Lancashire Students’ Union.
Alex Prestage is Equality and Liberation Coordinator at Sheffield Students’ Union.
Grace Clifton is Academic Lead, Enhanced Employability and Career Progression at the Open University.
Marian Hilditch is Academic Registrar at the University of Bradford and chair of SROC. She writes here in her own capacity.
Susannah Hume is Director of Evaluation in the Evidence Development and Incubation Team of the Policy Institute at King’s College London, and establishing Director of the Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education.
Fergal McFerran is President of NUS-USI, the union of students’ unions in Northern Ireland.