Image: Shutterstock Protect and survive: the story of Student Protection Plans by Jim Dickinson Long read 26/11/18 1
Image: Midjourney How to respond to OfS’ new consultation on fairness for students by Team Wonkhe SUs blogs-su 4/03/25
As the cuts rain down in Wales, whatever happened to learner protection? As the cuts rain down in Wales, whatever happened to learner protection? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 19/02/25 2
Image: Midjourney Fairness and protection for students is coming – but not for those that need it now by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 6/02/25 4
Image: Shutterstock What are students’ rights over closed modules, campuses and courses? by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 5/02/25
Image: Shutterstock DfE steps in to require franchise partners to register with OfS by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 30/01/25 4
Image: Shutterstock How to respond to OfS’ consultation over its new strategy by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 9/01/25
Wales should avoid making the same mistakes as England on student protection Wales should avoid making the same mistakes as England on student protection by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 30/09/24 2
On the ABA closure, were lessons learned since GSM London's closure in 2020? On the ABA closure, were lessons learned since GSM London’s closure in 2020? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 20/09/24 1
Image: Shutterstock This time OfS needs to keep its promise on broken promises by Jim Dickinson Comment 29/07/24 2
Image: Shutterstock MPs are struggling to pin universities’ problems on the right body by Jim Dickinson Analysis 15/06/22
Image: Shutterstock How much trouble is the University of Buckingham in? by Jim Dickinson Analysis 6/06/22 4
Image: Shutterstock What happens when providers run out of money? by David Kernohan Explainer 11/04/22 7
Image: Shutterstock Who paid the price for provider survival during the pandemic? by David Kernohan Analysis 9/03/22
Image: Shutterstock Christmas comes early as OfS leaves its annual under the tree by Jim Dickinson Comment 1/12/21 2
Image: Shutterstock Wonkhe community survey 2021: a sector pulled into too many directions by Debbie McVitty Research 22/11/21
Image: IKON Should the Office for Students obsess over outcomes? by Amelia McLoughlan Comment 16/11/21 2
The Welsh Assembly Here comes the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 2/11/21 1
Image: Shutterstock This is what SUs need to know about the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill by Wonkhe SUs explainer SUs blogs-su 1/11/21
Image: Shutterstock In higher education, we need to know what full looks like by Jim Dickinson Comment 9/08/21 3
Image: Shutterstock When do culls of module catalogues become material? by Jim Dickinson Comment 23/07/21 2
Image: Shutterstock Here’s what SUs need to know about OfS’ new “proceed” measure by Wonkhe SUs explainer SUs blogs-su 21/05/21
Image: Shutterstock Where was the work on student rights when they needed it the most? by Jim Dickinson Comment 21/05/21 1
Students can't leave. And that protects providers. Students can’t leave. And that protects providers. by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 10/05/21
Image: Shutterstock Our approach to training and induction this Summer 2021 by Jim Dickinson SU Blogs blogs-su 30/04/21
Image: Shutterstock If a provider is in trouble, who will take the force of the blow? by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 1/04/21
Image: Shutterstock Protecting students if a provider is at risk of closure by Susan Lapworth Comment 31/03/21 2
OfS updates its consumer protection guidance OfS updates its consumer protection guidance by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 5/03/21
Image: Shutterstock We need a collective insurance scheme to protect students by Jim Dickinson Analysis 19/11/20 2
Image: Shutterstock 30 things we learned from the OfS board papers for July 2020 by David Kernohan Comment 6/08/20
Image: Shutterstock What have nurseries got to do with student requests for fee refunds? by Jim Dickinson Comment 29/07/20
Image: Shutterstock Out of money? Out of time? OfS has a (new kind of) plan by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 17/07/20 6
Image: Shutterstock 26 things we spotted in the April and May OfS board papers by David Kernohan Comment 7/07/20
Should universities and courses at risk of failure be kept a secret? Should universities and courses at risk of failure be kept a secret? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 6/07/20 1
Image: IKON This September, students should be able to try before they buy by Jim Dickinson Comment 15/06/20 4
Image: Shutterstock Students need detail about September – but is that possible? by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 10/06/20 2
Image: Shutterstock In September provision needs to be different but good – not different but bad by Jim Dickinson Comment 1/06/20 3
Image: Shutterstock Communiqués from an ongoing set of unresolved internal political skirmishes by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 22/05/20
Image: IKON Outcomes based regulation doesn’t work in a pandemic. Or a select committee. by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 19/05/20 1
Image: Shutterstock I know what Wonkhe SUs did last summer – all our webinars archived in one place by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 15/05/20
Image: Shutterstock Is it time to review your university’s student protection plan? by Wonkhe SUs explainer SUs blogs-su 14/05/20
Image: IKON From liquidity to solvency – what might a real bailout look like? by Jim Dickinson Comment 11/05/20
Image: Shutterstock Securing the student interest in Covid-19 will require tough choices by Jim Dickinson Comment 6/05/20
Image: IKON Even in the Covid crisis, universities are not too big to “fail” by Jim Dickinson Analysis 4/05/20 9
Image: Shutterstock Keep calm and carry on paying your tuition fees (and rent) by Jim Dickinson Comment 10/04/20
Image: Ikon How can universities climb out of the coming financial abyss? by Debbie McVitty Analysis 6/04/20 5
Image: Shutterstock OfS publishes guidance on teaching, assessment, student support and consumer rights during Covid-19 by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 3/04/20
Image: Shutterstock Ten things we’ve learned so far from the Covid-19 crisis by Jim Dickinson SU Blogs blogs-su 2/04/20
Image: Shutterstock If the risks have changed, then so should the protections by Jim Dickinson Comment 1/04/20
Image: Shutterstock Covid-19: Is secrecy over university finances in the student interest? by David Kernohan Policy Watch 26/03/20 3
Image: Shutterstock Cut-throat competition over students is the opposite of what we need in a crisis by Jim Dickinson Comment 19/03/20 1
shutterstock_1543634033 On the level playing field, alternative providers have been backed into a corner by Adam Campbell Comment 11/03/20 2
Image: Shutterstock Should students pay their fees on a credit card? by Jim Dickinson Comment 3/02/20
Image: IKON Wicked problems: reputation, exit, failure and protection by Ben Elger Comment 27/01/20 3
Image: Shutterstock 26 things we learned from the OfS board papers for November 2019 by David Kernohan Policy Watch 20/12/19
Image: Shutterstock He’s been! OfS gives us an annual (review) for Christmas by Jim Dickinson Comment 19/12/19 3
Image: Shutterstock Who (or what) regulates the regulator? OfS and the regulator’s code by Jim Dickinson Comment 13/12/19 3
Image: Shutterstock It’s all coming up – ten things we think will happen next term by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 11/12/19
Image: Shutterstock Student welfare and safeguarding are issues of quality by Jim Dickinson Comment 8/11/19 2
Image: Shutterstock Registering a complaint? The OfS registration process, analysed by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 30/10/19 2
Image: Shutterstock The story so far on student contracts by Jim Dickinson SU Blogs blogs-su 16/09/19
Image: Shutterstock Whose registrations has the Office for Students refused? by Jim Dickinson Analysis 29/08/19 2
Image: Shutterstock Blink and you’ll miss it: ten hidden treasures buried deep in Augar by Jim Dickinson Analysis 30/05/19 1
Image: Shutterstock Taking care of business – the OfS 2019-20 business plan by Jim Dickinson Policy Watch 29/04/19 1
Image: Shutterstock Is the Office for Students delivering the deliverables? by Jim Dickinson Analysis 28/02/19
Image: Shutterstock Let’s go fly a kite: The higher education landscape by Marian Hilditch Analysis 8/01/19
Image: Shutterstock Pruning the hedge – differential fees, institutional collapse by Amatey Doku Comment 5/12/18