Updates from the Ceremonial Front Line
I recently provided a summary of a series of posts related to graduation (reproduced below):
- A recent post on graduation challenges including Decanal difficulties with names and a failed graduand backflip.
- The surprising news that swimming was not part of graduation requirements any more for one US university.
- The differences between a US-style Commencement and a graduation.
- The strange ceremonial use for a weapon at graduation – the place of the mace.
- And finally, Graduation as being all a bit lovely like London 2012 (if we can remember that far back).
Since then though there has been the annual Serious or Celeb Honorary Graduates post (mostly celeb as it happens) featuring some real stars such as this fine chap:

but the key issue I felt I needed to address was this surprising news from China. The Independent reports that thousands of female graduates across China have ditched the traditional mortar board in favour of wedding dresses:

Unlike Britain, where ingrained traditions of tearful parents, gowned lecturers and celebrity speakers are all part of graduation day, in China there are fewer set in stone traditions and this has given birth to new ideas and rituals, including the wearing of wedding dresses.During this summer’s graduation ceremonies, more and more of China’s female graduates have been adorning white gowns and tiaras to pose for the all-important graduation photo.According to Liu Xiangping a student from Xi’an Polytechnic University in central China “The wedding dress makes things feel more meaningful.”
Whilst I have yet to see anyone in a wedding dress cross our platform, there have been a disturbing number of examples of this latest fashion:

I’m eagerly awaiting news of other graduation developments this year.
What I don’t understand is the presence of water melons, being clutched by graduates in wedding dresses