What projects does the UKRI ODA budget cut put at risk?

The UK government decision to cut Official Development Assistance funding has repercussions for research organisations in the UK. Here's which projects are involved.

David Kernohan is Deputy Editor of Wonkhe

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In all, UKRI need to find savings of £120m from £245m of allocated funds in 2021-22. The overwhelming majority of these are GCRF or Newton Fund projects – so this visualisation shows projects from those two schemes with an end date on or after 31 July this year.

The funding allocations are the totals from the project, you could see from the start and end dates how much funding will already have been supplied and how much may be to come – though not every project has an even funding profile.

The data is from UKRI’s Gateway to Research database. I’m looking at “active” projects from two categories (“research grants” and “collaborative R&D”) from the two funds named above that have an end date later than 31/07/2021. This does not cover every project or grant that may be affected – it covers only grants where information is available against in categories that tend to contain larger projects.

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