This article is more than 9 years old

Exciting Holiday Higher Ed Quiz

I spent six years working at UEA, home of the HE three letter acronym and have always had a fondness for them, the more pointless and obscure the better. So, what better way to mark the peak Higher Ed conference season than with a pointless quiz on HE acronyms. Some of these are relatively well known and others are more obscure so see how many you can get.
This article is more than 9 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

Acronym frenzy. How many do you know?

I spent six years working at UEA, home of the HE three letter acronym and have always had a fondness for them, the more pointless and obscure the better. So, what better way to mark the peak Higher Ed conference season than with a pointless quiz on HE acronyms. Some of these are relatively well known and others are more obscure so see how many you can get.

No cheating.

Answers at the end. Do share your scores #HEacronyms

The list

  1. EMS
  2. DAPs
  3. AHUA
  4. BUFDG
  5. UQP
  6. TRAC
  7. SCITT220px-BUFVC_initials_colour
  8. GCSA
  10. HEAPES
  11. AURIL
  12. PISG
  13. RAB
  14. DELNI
  15. BUFVC
  16. ELIR
  17. CHEAD
  18. FSSG
  19. IAGS
  20. JACCUC


Answers below






Don’t look yet






Harder than you thought, isn’t it?







You should have looked them up at the time.







  1. EMS Estate Management Statistics
  2. DAPs Degree Awarding Powers
  3. AHUA Association of Heads of University Administration
  4. BUFDG British Universities Finance Directors Group
  5. UQP Unsatisfactory quality policyWonkhe Erasmus Logo
  6. TRAC Transparent Approach to Costing
  7. SCITT School-centred initial teacher training
  8. GCSA Government Chief Scientific Adviser
  9. ERASMUS European Union Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students
  10. HEAPES The Higher Education in Alternative Providers Early Statistics
  11. AURIL Association for University Research & Industry Links
  12. PISG Performance Indicators Steering Group
  13. RAB Resource Accounting and Budgeting
  14. DELNI Department of Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland
  15. BUFVC British Universities Film & Video Council
  16. ELIR Enhancement Led Institutional Review
  17. CHEAD Council for Higher Education in Art & Design
  18. FSSG Financial Sustainability Strategy Group
  19. IAGS Intentions After Graduation Survey
  20. JACCUC Joint Advisory Committee for Church Universities and Colleges

So, ho many did you get?

17-20 Outstanding. First class wonkery
13-16 Pretty good. You have been paying attention
8-12 You really do need to go back to school
< 8 Oh come on.

Next time – a selection of HESA graphs for you to identify.

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