This article is more than 8 years old

Wonkhe success at CIPR Education Journalism Awards 2016

We celebrate the win of Wonkhe's Deputy Editor in this year's CIPR Education Journalism Awards.
This article is more than 8 years old

Mark is founder and Editor in Chief of Wonkhe

15078526_10157672009885328_6314140755130148932_nLast night Team Wonkhe celebrated our very own Deputy Editor David Morris winning ‘Best Newcomer’ to education journalism this year at the 2016 CIPR Education Journalism Awards. Readers of Wonkhe over the last six months will surely agree that this is a well-deserved accolade.

David has certainly made his mark on the HE debate in a very short space of time.

The winning piece was What next for universities in our disunited kingdom? This article was published on the day of the EU referendum vote, and although it was 24 hours before the result was known, predicted much of the debate that followed the vote to leave and gave the sector both a framework to think about what leaving the EU meant for UK HE, and some hope that not all was lost.

David was also nominated this year for Outstanding Use of Data in Education Journalism for his groundbreaking work on new UCAS admissions data, which asked is there bias in university admissions?

Other highlights of David’s writing over the last few months include:

Universities, grammar schools and the week that social mobility went askew

The HE market for hopes and dreams: UCAS on results day

Behind the picket lines: the state of industrial relations in higher education

HE’s secret fortress: a visit to the LONDON4 datacentre

Well done David!

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