The London Student Oyster card fiasco will hit attendance - and may cause drop-out The London Student Oyster card fiasco will hit attendance – and may cause drop-out by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 17/10/24 1
DfE data on prior attainment and completing a course of higher education DfE data on prior attainment and completing a course of higher education by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 25/04/24 1
Image: Shutterstock It’s time to tackle all the gaps that surface in our student lifecycle data, not just the awarding gap by Antony Moss Comment 9/04/24 9
What's up with low student withdrawals? What’s up with low student withdrawals? by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 24/06/21 1
We need more students to "drop out" We need more students to “drop out” by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 7/01/21
Image: Shutterstock Has 2020 really had no impact on early non-continuation? by David Kernohan Analysis 3/12/20 3
Image: Shutterstock The further adventures of the UK’s worst higher education courses by David Kernohan Data 30/11/20 4
Image: Shutterstock Dropping out during a pandemic should bring neither shame nor penalty by Jim Dickinson Analysis 9/11/20