William Lawton

Higher Education Consultant

William Lawton is a higher education consultant. Bill has worked in higher education for 25 years. His main interests are in transnational education, mobility, digital learning, and government policy. Research projects since 2015 have included comparative quality assessment, UK outward mobility, TNE in Thailand and the Philippines, a roadmap for the HE sector in Pakistan, and internationalisation strategies for universities in Russia. Clients include EAIE, HEFCE, Higher Education Academy, QS Intelligence Unit, British Council, European Parliament and UpGrad, an Indian online HE provider.

Bill was Director of the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education from 2011-14 and before that a founding member of UUK International. He was a political analyst and Head of Academic Relations at the Canadian High Commission in London. In the 1990s he taught politics at the University of Hull. Bill is co-editor of Exporting Transnational Education: Institutional Practice, Policy and National Goals, to be published by Palgrave in June 2018.