Nishan Canagarajah
Nishan Canagarajah is President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Leicester
Dawn Hibbert
Head of REF and Research Support
Dawn Hibbert is Head of REF & Research Support at the University of Northampton.
David Woolley
David Woolley is Director of Student and Community Engagement at Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
Ibby Williams
Ibby Williams is Education and Community Officer at the University of Gloucestershire SU
Ivan Yuriychuk
Ivan Yuriychuk is Deputy Head of the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine (SSEQU)
Tetiana Vakulenko
Tetiana Vakulenko is Director of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment (UCEQA)
Syd Cottle
Director of Estates
Syd Cottle is Director of Estates and Infrastructure at the University of Liverpool, and incoming Chair of AUDE
Hannah Cobb
Hannah Cobb is Professor of Archaeology and Pedagogy, and academic lead for academic development at the University of Manchester
Caron Gentry
Caron Gentry is Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor for Arts, Design, and Social Sciences at Northumbria University
Rachel Reeds
Rachel Reeds is Senior Admissions Manager (Faculty Operations) at Anglia Ruskin University.
Helen Scott
Executive Director
Helen Scott is Executive Director of UHR and is a former HR Director with over 30 years working in the sector, and a Fellow of the CIPD.
Gary F. Fisher
Gary F. Fisher is the University of Derby’s Learning Design and Online Practice Manager
Letizia Gramaglia
Letizia Gramaglia is Director of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy at the University of Warwick
Elena Riva
Head of Department
Elena Riva is Head of Department, and Associate Professor (Reader) at the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning in the University of WarwickÂ
Vitaly Nosok
Vitaly Nosok is Senior Advisor within the Ministry of Education and Sciences in Ukraine, focused specifically on higher education
Ruth Fernandes
Ruth Fernandes is Head of Research and Insight at University of Manchester Students’ Union
Martha Roberts
Martha Roberts is Student Voice Coordinator for Liberation and Equity at the University of Nottingham Students’ Union
Mychailo Wynnyckyj
Michailo Wynnyckyj is Ukraine’s Deputy Minister with responsibility for the higher education portfolio
Neil Sutherland
Academic Lead for Teaching Assistant Development
Neil Sutherland is Academic Lead for Teaching Assistant Development at University College London School of Management
Susan Smith
Deputy Director (Student Experience)
Susan Smith is Deputy Director (Student Experience) at the University College London School of Management
Dmytro Chumachenko
Dmytro Chumachenko is an Associate Professor at the National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute
Ivanna Kurtyk
Ivanna Kurtyk is Director of Operations and Finance at the Ukrainian Leadership Academy
Sophie Crouchman
Strategic Projects and Research Manager
Sophie Crouchman is Strategic Projects and Research Manager for Universities Human Resources (UHR).
Kate Black
Kate Black is Professor of Management Learning and Education at Newcastle Business School
Harriet Cannon
Disability Advisory Team Manager
Harriet Cannon is the Disability Advisory Team Manager at the University of Leeds.
Alex Harden-Way
Director of University College Birmingham Guild of Students
Alex Harden-Way is the Director of University College Birmingham Guild of Students
Ben Rogers
Ben Rogers is Professor of Practice at the University of London and Distinguished Policy Fellow, LSE Cities at the London School of Economics
Anna Ford
Anna Ford is an independent science and climate communicator and formerly head of media at the University of Sussex.
Talia Adams
Talia was vice president education at the University of Lincoln Students’ Union 21-23 and current university officer at Anthony Nolan, supporting student groups UK-wide and leading student campaigns.
Hannah Coleman
Hannah is the deputy chief executive at the University of Lincoln Students’ Union. Â
Denise Baker
Denise Baker is Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Derby and Chair of the University Alliance Deans of Health Network
Andrew Dean
Head of Regional Engagement
Andrew Dean is Head of Regional Engagement at the University of Exeter
Alison Ward
EUniverCities Network Coordinator and Administrator
Alison Ward is EUniverCities Network Coordinator and Administrator at the University of Exeter.
Ben Farmer
Ben Farmer is an Account Manager at integrated communications agency PLMR, and a former sabbatical officer at Oxford SU.
Adrian Wright
Adrian Wright is Associate Dean and Director of the Institute for Research into Work, Organisations and Employment in the School of Business at UCLan
Manajit Chakraborty
Manajit Chakraborty is Lecturer in Computer Science at the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology
Stuart Nicholson
Stuart Nicholson is Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology
Dáire Martin
Dáire Martin is Leadership and Representation Coordinator at the University of Limerick
Natalie Freeman
Natalie Freeman manages an employability skills award for the University of East Anglia careers service
Charlotte Corrish
Charlotte Corrish is Head of Public Policy at the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA)
Kate Womersley
Kate Womersley is a Research Fellow at Imperial College London and University of Edinburgh, UK
Alice Witt
Alice Witt is a Research and Policy Fellow at the Research & Policy Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health (TGI)
David Pilsbury
Secretary of the International Higher Education Commission
David Pilsbury is Secretary of the International Higher Education Commission
Adam Matthews
Adam Matthews is a senior research fellow in the School of Education at the University of Birmingham
Martin Compton
Martin Compton is Programme, Module & Assessment Design Lead at King’s Academy at King’s College London
Rachel Wicaksono
Rachel Wicaksono is Professor of TESOL and Applied Linguistics at York St John University
Becky Muradás-Taylor
Becky Muradás-Taylor is Professor of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Leeds
Elizabeth Newall
Elizabeth Newall is senior sector specialist (digital transformation), higher education at Jisc
Rosie Jones
Rosie Jones is Student Voice Manager (Student Engagement and Enhancement) at the University of Sussex
Jo Fox
Pro Vice Chancellor (Research and Engagement)
Jo Fox is the Pro Vice Chancellor (Research and Engagement) and Dean, School of Advanced Study, at the University of London.
Matthew Gill
Programme director
Matthew Gill is a programme director at the Institute for Government.
Siobhan O’Neill
Siobhan O’Neill is an interdisciplinary researcher of race and racism at the University of Manchester