Paul Giladi

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Paul Giladi earned his undergraduate degree in Philosophy and his research Master’s degree in Philosophy at King’s College London. He was awarded his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Sheffield in June 2013, where his thesis on Kant and Hegel was supervised by Prof. Robert Stern. Since January 2014, Paul has published extensively on philosophical naturalism, German Idealism, American pragmatism, critical social theories, and critical social epistemologies. He has published several edited collections with Routledge since 2019, has a forthcoming co-edited collection on Fichte and critical theory scheduled to come out in 2025, and is currently writing an under-contract monograph on naturalism for Bloomsbury that is scheduled for publication in 2027. Paul joined SOAS in September 2023, after 5 successful years at Manchester Metropolitan University, where he serves as an Advisory Group member for the 2024/25 Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s Subject Benchmark Statement for Philosophy. He became a dad for the first time on 28th January this year.