Connect more
Tuesday 4 March 12.00-1.00pm
Ministers have given a strong steer to English higher education that the government expects to see greater efficiency from the sector – in essence, realise greater public value and impact without a great deal more investment of funds. Universities UK has responded to the call with a new taskforce on efficiency and collaboration, promising “a new era of collaboration” for the sector.
Wonkhe and Mills & Reeve’s recent report Connect more: creating the conditions for a more resilient and sustainable higher education sector in England drew on conversations with a range of senior leaders to identify a significant appetite for greater strategic collaboration, but there are a lot of cultural and policy barriers to making it happen. This online event will explore where the opportunities are in practice, what the barriers are, and how they might be overcome.
Hosted by Wonkhe editor Debbie McVitty, with Poppy Short, Partner at Mills & Reeve, James Rolfe, Chief Operating Officer at Angila Ruskin University, and Stephanie Harris, Director of Strategy, Insight and Member Engagement at Universities UK.