This article is more than 4 years old

The Wonkhe Show: Expectations, Donelan, restructuring

This week on the podcast we dive into Wonkhe/Pearson research on student expectations around September and consider how universities should respond.
This article is more than 4 years old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

In our end of term podcast, we dive into Wonkhe/Pearson research on student expectations around September and consider how universities should respond.

Wales has a new tertiary education bill, Michelle Donelan has been at the Commons Education Committee, there are some reforms to higher technical education and DK has all the highlights (and correlations) we need from NSSmas day.

After the main recording, news of DfE’s restructuring regime and OfS’ market exit plans dropped – so Jim and DK discuss those too.

With Frances Corner, Warden at Goldsmiths, University of London, Alex Favier, Director of Global and Political Affairs at the University of Nottingham, and Wonkhe’s Associate Editor David Kernohan.

Items this week


This week we took a look at the relationship between NSS agree percentages for question 27 in 2019 and 2020. Does last year’s NSS predict this years?

No, not really. R squared is around 0.2, and even just looking at large universities you can’t even get to 0.6 – so at best a very low correlation. It does rather prompt the question as to by what mechanism student satisfaction changes so quickly between years…

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