This article is more than 9 years old

True Crime on Campus §43: That end of term feeling

There aren't many opportunities to relax for our constantly in demand Seurity staff. And the end of term, rather than offering some welcome relief, instead brings some rather interesting challenges...
This article is more than 9 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

It may be the end of term but there’s still plenty happening on campus

There aren’t many opportunities to relax for our constantly in demand Security staff. And the end of term, rather than offering some welcome relief, instead brings some rather interesting challenges:

21:30 Security attended Hall bar, University Park as it was reported there was a fight. On arrival there was no fight in progress and nothing found. Warden informed.

07:15 Security were called to Hall, University Park as the release button for front doors was not working from the inside and Students were stuck inside. Help Desk informed.

1255 Report that a waste bin was on fire outside Hallward Library, Security attended but on arrival Staff had already put the fire out.

Some student activities just never lose their appeal

Some student activities just never lose their appeal

10:30 Security attended Hall to locate two Students who had brought a road sign and a house for sale board into the Hall. The two Students admitted they were drunk and would take these back. Warden informed.

1320 Report of a lost bag in Portland Building, Security attended and spoke to a Student. The Student explained where they had lost their bag. Officers were able to locate the bag and return it to the Student.

1900 Report of people training Husky dogs in Diamond Wood, Security attended on arrival the people had left the area.

1345 Security spoke to a group of youths adjacent to Humanities. The youths were causing a nuisance on BMX bikes. The youths were told to leave Campus.


1410 Patrol Security Officers observed a duck in distress adjacent to Keighton Hill Auditorium. As Officers approached the duck it was clear that her ducklings were trapped under a manhole cover. Officers contacted Estates, members of the Direct Labour team attended, lifted the manhole cover, climbed down and retrieved the ducklings. Once all were recovered the duck took the ducklings away.

23:45 Security reported seeing two suspicious males located near Built Environment, University Park. Once seen by Security the two males went and hid behind a tree. Security approached both males and questioned their actions, as they could not provide any identification they were asked to leave campus.

1031 Report of a male shouting drinking from a can of Beer on Jubilee Campus. Security attended, the male was spoken to and told to leave Campus.

1730 Report of a swarm of bees in the loft of a house, Security attended, Mitie Pest Control were contacted and advice sought. Estates Help Desk to be informed.

1645 Report that a Bus was stuck on Coates Road, Security attended. The vehicle was a bendy Bus which could not turn and had to be reversed back out onto the Highway. The Police were called and attended. Traffic on the Highway was stopped while the Bus was backed out.

This keeps happening
This keeps happening

1635 Report of the theft of a Motorcycle from the car park adjacent to Law and Social Science. Security attended, Police informed. At 2010 Patrol Security Officers found the motor cycle hidden in bushes adjacent to Millennium Gardens. The owner of the cycle has been informed.

0200 Report of a Student in Hall with an injury to their finger. Security attended and spoke to the Student. The Student was given advice and told to contact Security if they felt the injury was getting worse.

1725 Report that a Student was stuck in their room in Hall, Security attended. The door lock had jammed and would not work. Security used a lock breaker to snap the lock and gain entry. Officers were then able to replace the lock with one held by the Hall.

1743 A request was made to disable Fire alarm sensors in the Atrium Jubilee Campus due to a smoke machine being used at a Party. As this had not been arranged via Estates, Clymac were called out. The organiser was advised that there may be a charge for the call out.


2030 Report that a Falconer who was giving a display at Hall had lost one of his Kestrels. He asked that any sighting of the bird which is described as about the size of a Blackbird with red, grey and brown marking be passed on to him.


Lost: one kestrel. About the size of a blackbird apparently

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