This article is more than 7 years old

Regulatory framework: every document

Welcome to "light touch regulation"! A complete list of everything that has been published on 28th February 2017 concerning the regulatory framework in England.
This article is more than 7 years old

David Kernohan is Deputy Editor of Wonkhe

The 28th February has seen an enormous drop of regulatory framework related documentation, consultation responses, ministerial guidance and other documents relating to the Office for Students.

Sixteen headline documents, plus a further ten annexes and templates, have been released across OfS and the DfE. Our team of wonks is hard at work digesting them, but for the moment this is what they are and where you can find them. We’ll tag all of our subsequent articles “regulation” – you can see these, plus previous coverage, here.

Welcome to the light-touch regulatory future!

Those documents in full

Regulatory framework

Equality impact assessment

Regulatory advice:

1: The OfS approach to regulation

2: Registration of current providers for 19-20

Annex C: Template for consumer protection self assessment

Annex D: Template for a student protection plan

Annex F: Template for management and governance self assessment (student support)

Annex G: Template for management and governance self assessment (HEFCE funded)

Annex H: Template management and governance self assessment (FE/6th forms)

3: Registration of new providers in 2018-19

Annex C: Template for consumer protection self assessment

Annex D: Template for a student protection plan

Annex F: Template for management and governance self assessment (student support)

Annex G: Template management and governance self assessment (FE/6th forms)

4: ?

5: ?

6: Good practice for 19-20 access and participation plans
Annex A: Template for access and participation plan

7: Advice on preparing your 19-20 access and participation plan
8: Guidance on conditions of registration F1: transparency

Regulatory notices:

1: Guidance on access and participation plans for 19-20

Consultation responses/outcomes:

OfS Narrative response to the regulatory framework consultation

DfE Regulatory framework consultation outcome.

DfE OfS registration fees stage 2 consultation outcome.

DfE Market access consultation outcome.

Ministerial guidance:

Strategic guidance to the OfS 19-20

Access and participation guide 19-20

Facilitating electoral registration guidance

Degree awarding powers and university title guidance

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