This article is more than 17 years old

“From hack to boffin”

Hack to boffin in six months? University seeks journalist Let us ignore the shorthand of “hack” and “boffin” here – it is a really good story… A university is hoping to turn a journalist from a hack into boffin in six months, opening its doors to give them an in-depth look at the world of … Continued
This article is more than 17 years old

Hack to boffin in six months? University seeks journalist

Let us ignore the shorthand of “hack” and “boffin” here – it is a really good story…

A university is hoping to turn a journalist from a hack into boffin in six months, opening its doors to give them an in-depth look at the world of scientific research.

The University of Nottingham is looking for a willing journalist to ’embed’ themselves in its Science, Medicine and Engineering faculties for six months.

The volunteer will spend time with scientists, engineers, professors and their lab teams as they conduct research. The aim is to get a detailed understanding that is not normally possible with the pressure of newsdesk deadlines.

…and a great idea. However, I can’t believe we’re going for embedding in science – what about joining the administration? Perhaps the next one…

See here for the full story.

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