This article is more than 17 years old

Clearly a slow news day…

Leeds Met “offers degree in northernness” University students can learn about coal-mining, rugby league and brass bands as part of a new degree course in northern life. And pies? The one-year Master of Arts course in Northern Studies will run at Leeds Metropolitan University from September. It is thought to be the first time an … Continued
This article is more than 17 years old

Leeds Met “offers degree in northernness”

University students can learn about coal-mining, rugby league and brass bands as part of a new degree course in northern life.

Wonkhe PiesAnd pies?

The one-year Master of Arts course in Northern Studies will run at Leeds Metropolitan University from September. It is thought to be the first time an English university has offered a course dedicated to northernness. The university said the course had already attracted interest from students as far afield as Essex.

It is interesting to speculate about how they identified this gap in the market.

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