Schumacher College to close

Is this the first of many?

David Kernohan is Deputy Editor of Wonkhe

Last year, Schumacher College – a specialist provider of environmental studies courses supported by the Dartington Hall Trust – won the RSA Bicentenary Medal. The award recognises the unique nature of provision at Schumacher, focused on a need to “find new ways of living that put people and the planet first”, that draws on practices and disciplines from economics to design and crafts.

Though Schumacher offers and will continue to offer a range of short courses, the higher education component of the offer (a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses accredited by the University of Plymouth) was closed to new students last year. The intention was that the college would “teach out” the remaining hundred or so registered students as a part of an orderly exit.

Totnes Today reports that the College Foundation decided, at a board meeting on 27 August to close all provision with immediate effect. The decision affects 46 students (who will be supported to find alternative provision), while 33 staff are facing potential redundancy (having entered a consultation period). The next term for postgraduates was due to start in less than two weeks.

The Office for Students has said it has been in discussions with the leadership of Dartington Hall Trust about the financial position of the college since September 2023, and was informed last week about the decision to withdraw funding and end provision with immediate effect. It also praises the University of Plymouth for supporting students during the period, and notes that the OfS and Plymouth are working together to ensure students find an “acceptable alternative” and are provided with “appropriate compensation”.

The College’s Student Protection Plan, last updated in 2020, suggests that a:

potential for cross-subsidy, coupled with Schumacher College’s high international profile and strong record of student recruitment (now joined by Dartington Arts School) renders the risk of closure to be very low for Dartington Learning

Closures of higher education providers due to financial pressures have been predicted for a long time – Schumacher may have existed outside of the traditional university sector, and was also experiencing wider and more sustained difficulties, but it is unlikely to be the only specialist provider that is struggling to make ends meet as we move towards the 2024-25 academic year.

Providers facing the likelihood of closure should be open with students and staff about this possibility, and should have a student protection plan in place that addresses students needs in the event of sudden closure. The Office for Students should be making sure that this is happening routinely.

Schumacher is attempting to build a financially and ecologically sustainable future for itself outside of the higher education sector, though it reportedly faces mounting costs and problems with recruitment to non-credit bearing short courses. It may not even exist long enough to collect its RCA Bicentennial Medal.

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