Non-continuation in some franchised partnerships is unacceptably high Non-continuation in some franchised partnerships is unacceptably high by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 12/12/24 1
OfS has updated a bunch of its dashboards - can the regulation keep up? OfS has updated a bunch of its dashboards – can the regulation keep up? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 12/04/23
SFC publishes this year's guidance on outcome agreements SFC publishes this year’s guidance on outcome agreements by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 5/10/22
Image: IKON Students who lead and serve other students have better outcomes by Laura Guiver Analysis 10/06/22 3
But what about all the posh doctors? But what about all the posh doctors? by Jim Dickinson Wonk Corner 9/02/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Belonging, confidence and skills are HE’s problem by Jim Dickinson Comment 4/02/22
Image: Shutterstock Even if BTECs disappear, the students taking them won’t by Emily Dixon Comment 25/01/22
Image: Shutterstock Narrowing of awarding gaps is down to changes to assessment practice, not no detriment by Nicky King Comment 9/08/21 2
Image: Shutterstock DfE research recommends weighting output metrics in policy appraisal by David Kernohan Policy Watch 9/07/21
Image: Shutterstock OfS will tackle pockets of low quality higher education provision by Nick Holland Comment 17/11/20 2
Image: Shutterstock Securing great outcomes for students means focusing on students, not courses by Graeme Atherton Comment 13/10/20
Image: Shutterstock Why we should all mourn the disruption to student outcome data by Deborah Johnston Data 17/06/20