This article is more than 6 years old

Sally Hunt

Shortly after any major policy announcement or statistical release comes the eminently quotable response from UCU. Sally Hunt has spearheaded the transformation of the union into a significant and respected force in policy analysis, and has consistently campaigned on a range of issues from senior staff pay to the plight of sessional academics. On the … Continued
This article is more than 6 years old

Shortly after any major policy announcement or statistical release comes the eminently quotable response from UCU. Sally Hunt has spearheaded the transformation of the union into a significant and respected force in policy analysis, and has consistently campaigned on a range of issues from senior staff pay to the plight of sessional academics. On the relatively moderate wing of trade union activism, she faces continued challenges from members around pay and pensions – but has arguably secured the position of sector staff by limiting the impact of austerity.

The forthcoming industrial strategy offers opportunities and challenges for staff terms and conditions, a looming Brexit will do likewise. UCU will need all the influence it can muster over the forthcoming year – Hunt taking on the role of TUC president looks like a good start.