This article is more than 5 years old

PODCAST: Access and participation, end of cycle, research bureaucracy

This week on the podcast we have a look at the ups and downs of the end of cycle UCAS figures.
This article is more than 5 years old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

This week on the podcast we have a look at the ups and downs of the end of cycle UCAS figures. There’s an OfS analysis of access and participation plans out, we think about the implications of a reduction of research bureaucracy and a quick look at immigration and HE.

With Rachel Hall, Universities Editor at the Guardian, Amatey Doku, a Consultant at the Nous Group and David Kernohan, Associate Editor at Wonkhe hosted by Wonkhe’s Editor in Chief Mark Leach.

Items this week


“Yes, but how does it extrapolate” is a segment from the people who brought you “yes, but does it correlate”. It celebrates a slow news day at The Times over Christmas, where a decision was made to extrapolate the rise in first class degrees from a massive four data points to come up with an exciting headline.

This week: In 2019 the UK sector’s acceptance rate (the number of acceptances divided by the number of applications – kind of a measure of how difficult it is to get a place you apply for) was 76.62 per cent. By what year would you expect it to reach 100 per cent?

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