This article is more than 4 years old

PODCAST: Budget, Covid-19, OfS in court, misconduct

This week on the podcast we look at the budget and implications for HE, as well as the impacts on the sector of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This article is more than 4 years old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

This week on the podcast we look at the budget and implications for HE, as well as the impacts on the sector of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Office for Students has won a court case, and we look at new guidelines on handling cases of sexual misconduct.

With Johnny Rich, CEO at the Engineering Professor’s Council and Smita Jamdar, Head of Education at Shakespeare Martineau.

Items this week:

Yes, but does it correlate?

Are academic staff numbers in universities growing or shrinking – or largely staying the same? I’ve plotted data from the latest HESA staff release by institution – the question is whether there is a correlation between leavers and starters between 2017-18 and 2018-19? Or is something else happening?

There is a strong correlation – r squared is 0.91. But the direction of line shows that on average more providers are growing their academic staff numbers rather than shedding staff. The graph itself is fascinating if you are interested in what is happening at your provider. I’ve only included providers that submit this data to HESA, because where the data doesn’t exist I’ve not plotted it.

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