This article is more than 17 years old

Universities and Web 2.0 – everywhere but Swansea?

Swansea University doing things the good old fashioned way: But not every student recruiter is buying into the hype. Some warn that dabbling in new media can prove expensive and time-consuming. It can create more work for admissions staff without eliminating any of their old tasks, like answering enquiries and sending out prospectuses. “I feel … Continued
This article is more than 17 years old

Swansea University doing things the good old fashioned way:

But not every student recruiter is buying into the hype. Some warn that dabbling in new media can prove expensive and time-consuming. It can create more work for admissions staff without eliminating any of their old tasks, like answering enquiries and sending out prospectuses.

“I feel that potential students, being very media-savvy, would see universities’ use of social networking and text messaging as intrusion into what they use as a recreational space,” says Barrie Clark, Swansea University’s UK recruitment manager, who has over two decades of experience in the business. “I don’t see this trend as likely at Swansea University in the near future. I’d counsel caution here.”

(see the Grauniad for the full story)

Actually, he really does have a point – avoiding the ’embarrassing uncle at the wedding disco’ effect is important. However, the solution is surely investment and doing it properly rather than waiting and watching the world go by…

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