This article is more than 9 years old

True Crime on Campus §48: Easter frolics

Once more it's time for more True Crime on Campus. Of course it is.
This article is more than 9 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

It’s a strange time of year

It’s nearly Easter and, as these latest extracts from university security reports show, this seems to have prompted some surprising behaviour on campus. As ever our extremely capable Security staff are on hand to deal with every eventuality:

0928 Report of a Dog in Law and Social Science, Security attended and on arrival the Dog and been reunited with its owner.

1745 Report of an alarm clock sounding in a room in Hall, Security turned the clock off.

2210 Patrol Security Officers stopped a group of Students abseiling out of a window in the ESLC. The Students stated that they are part of the abseiling club and did not have permission to undertake this activity. Those involved will be reported to the Students’ Union and Safety Office and the Compliance and Investigations Manager.

Not found
Not located

2000 Report of a toilet door not working in Hall. Security attended and the Hall Porter stated that he was not sure if there was anyone in there. Attempts were made to open the door. Officers used force to open the door and confirm there was no one trapped inside. Estates Help Desk to be informed.

2130 Report of a student with an injured Pigeon in Hall. Security attended but the Student and the Pigeon could not be located when Security attended.

1137 Report of a lift not working in Nottingham Medical School with persons stuck inside. The lift was returned to operation by the Building Attendant.

1341 Report of a lift not working in Nottingham Medical School with persons stuck inside. Security attended. Estates Help Desk informed. This was a different lift to one at 1137.

1636 Security were asked to take a Student back to his Hall of Residence from Cripps Health Centre following an injury while playing Quidditch. Officers collected the Student and took him back to his Hall.

Yet another Quidditch injury
Yet another Quidditch injury

1530 Report of a number of cards which had been left in Portland Building. Security attended the cards were asking for male students to contact a company with a view to working in the Adult film industry. All of the cards have been removed.

0305 Report of a student running naked around Hall, Security Officers attended and are to follow up. The Student has been recorded on CCTV. The footage will be used to identify those involved.

1540 Report that a couple were having sex in a room in Yang Fujia building, Staff in the area stood outside the door until Security attended. On arrival the room was checked those inside had left via an alternative exit.

Update: ‘Student making obscene gestures towards CCTV cameras at Hall 27/01/2016’ – The student has been identified and warned about his future conduct. Members of staff from the Hall have been updated.

Surely no-one wants a VW badge these days
Surely no-one wants a VW badge these days

0425 1 Patrol Security Officers found a vehicle parked on the grass at the rear of the University Park Sports Centre. Officers approached the vehicle and spoke to the occupants who were engaged in a sexual act. The occupants were told to leave Campus.

11:35 Security received a report from a visitor that the Volkswagen badge and silver grille had been removed from the front of his car whilst it was parked in the Main Visitors’ car park. Security to follow up.

1500 Report of a Student with knives in his room in Hall, Security attended and spoke to the Student. The knives were shown to Security and confiscated. The Hall Warden is to be informed. When asked why he had the knives he stated that he likes knives.

1630 Security were called to speak a guest who wished to complain. They wanted to have more towels, the radiator to be warmer and there was a lack of eggs for breakfast. Officers passed on the guest’s concerns to the Hall Porter who stated that he would address the concerns.

Happy Easter everyone!

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