This article is more than 9 years old

True Crime on Campus §42: Pot noodle problem

Some more surprising incidents on campus.
This article is more than 9 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

Yet more challenging situations on campus

Things are always busy for our ever-attentive Security staff. Some of the latest incidents though have offered some new challenges:

0125 Report of a water leak Chemistry Building, Security attended. On arrival Officers spoke to the occupant of the room who had been conducting an experiment when a water pipe came off flooding three rooms. The water was cleaned up and electrical equipment protected as water was dripping through the ceiling of the room below. Estates Help Desk to be informed.

Not again
Not again

13:15 Security were called to the rear of the Trent Building to investigate reports of paint thrown on a tree. On inspection there was grey paint on the trunk of the tree and an empty tin laying to the side of the tree. Help desk informed, Security to follow up.

1253 Report of people trapped in a lift in IMH, Security attended those trapped were able to release themselves. Estates Help Desk informed.

2016 Report that Student had a head injury in Hall, Security attended. The Student stated that she had been lifted up by friends and struck her head on the top of a door frame. The Student stated that they felt unwell and were feeling sick. Security Staff took the Student to Hospital. The Hall Warden is to be informed.

1430 Report of youths on Innovation Park throwing items onto the Railway line, Security attended Network rail informed. The youths have been recorded on CCTV the incident has been reported to the Police.

1115 Report that a lorry was blocking access to Hall car park, when Staff asked the driver to move forwards he was rude. Security Officers have followed up and spoken to the Company they are to speak to the driver on his return to the Company.

0017 Students contacted Security concerned about a friend who had consumed a large amount of Alcohol and was not answering their phone or room door. Security attended and spoke to the student who was drunk but otherwise fit and well.

0833 Report of the theft of a bonnet and bumper from a vehicle parked in Rutland Hall car park. Security attended Police informed.

1400 Report of an injured Swan on the Lake at Jubilee Campus, Security attended. The RSPCA were informed.

In knots
In knots

1355 Patrol Security Officers spoke to a group of youths on Pedal Cycles who were causing a nuisance on Jubilee Campus. The youths were abusive to Officers but left Campus.

1940 Report that a group of children had wrapped string around the legs of a Student was they walked along the pathway adjacent to DHL. Security attended the area was checked the children could not be located.

1833 Report of Rat Bait in a garden, Security attended the bait was spread over a large area which Officers covered up. Help Desk to be informed.

1145 Report that a number of cards promoting an Adult Film Company had been left in Portland Building. The cards were asking for fun loving males and offering an hourly rate for the work. All of the cards have been removed.

2155 Report of a vehicle driving along Beeston Lane in a suspicious manner, Security attended but the vehicle could not be located.

A risky breakfast
A risky breakfast

0800 Report of a male with a rifle adjacent to Lenton and Wortley Hall, Security attended the area was searched the male could not be located. On the 16/05/15 at approximately 0800 Security Officers were in this area on observations to see if the male returned. The male was seen stopped and spoken to by Security. The rifle was in fact a camera with a telephoto lens. The male was a member of Staff who had been asked to take photographs for a University Calendar and was trying to photograph a Woodpecker.

0645 Report of a Student with burns to their arm, Security attended. On arrival Officers spoke to the Student who stated that they had made a Pot Noodle for breakfast. The Student had placed the Pot Noodle on a window sill and then knocked it over themselves causing the burns. An Ambulance was called and attended the Student was taken to Hospital. The Hall Warden is to be informed.

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