It's the time for reviews of all of the exciting events of the year and 2014 has been another bumper year of campus events for our dedicated Security staff. Here are some of my true crime on campus favourites from the year together with an opportunity to vote for the report you think is the best.
It’s time for True Crime on Campus §39: Best of 2014 and vote for #1
It’s the time for reviews of all of the exciting events of the year and 2014 has been another bumper year of campus events for our dedicated Security staff. Below are some of my true crime on campus favourites from the year together with an opportunity to vote for the report you think is the best.
00:10 Security received a report from a resident at Hugh Stewart Hall that stones were being thrown at the windows. Security attended Hugh Stewart Hall and found two youths crouching near the windows facing the Main Visitor’s car park. No damage to windows recorded. Both youths informed Security that they were from the Summer School and staying at Lincoln Hall. Security escorted the youths back to Lincoln Hall and informed the Summer School Tutors of what had happened. Security to follow up.
1531 Report of a male sawing the lock off a Pedal Cycle adjacent to Hallward Library. Uniformed and Covert Security Officers attended the male was stopped and spoken to. The male, a Student, had in fact been using a pump to blow up his tyres and not, as had been reported, sawing the lock off.
1715 Report that a hot water tap would not turn off in the Play Centre. Security attended and turned off the water to the tap. Estates Help Desk to be informed.
2348 Report of mini insects in a room in Hall. The resident asked for Security to attend. On arrival Officers suggested that the student close the window.
Very good at hiding
2215 Report of a pigeon hiding behind a sofa in the Amenities Building Jubilee Campus. Security attended and the pigeon was removed from the Building.
2338 Patrol Security Officers spoke to the occupants of two vehicles which were parked in the car park adjacent to Law and Social Science. The occupants stated that they had parked there to watch the Helicopters. As there are no Helicopter flights during the hours of darkness the occupants were told to leave Campus.
23:55 Security received a report from the porter at Hall about a number
Best seen in daylight
of students running around the Hall having a water fight. Security stopped all students involved and took their details. Students were made to clear up the mess by Security. Details to Hall Manager. Security to follow up.
1345 Report of a member of staff with peppermint in their eye on the Science Site. Security attended. The member of Staff washed their eye out and felt better.
1310 Report of sheep escaped from a field adjacent to Sutton Bonington Campus. Security attended the Farm Manager was contacted. The Sheep do not belong to the University – the owner was contacted and informed.
An easy mistake to make
1938 Report of loud noise coming from Hugh Stewart Hall. Security attended, the noise was found to be a children’s party which was finishing.
2045 Report of people starting fires on Charnock Avenue. Security attended and the Camp fires were found to have been started by the local Scout Group.
1740 Report of an altercation between two Students in Built Environment. Security attended and spoke to the Students concerned. There was a dispute over a group project where one Student had accused another of not working hard enough.
Van men without hats
18:27 Security received a report of two males in a white transit van wearing funny hats and frightening female Med-Link students at Hall. On arrival there was no sign of the males. A further sighting of the van was seen at 19:08hrs outside the Coates Atrium. Security spoke to the occupants who are connected to Med-Link. They admitted that they did mean to scare people and they both apologised and took their hats off. Details to the Head of Security.
1630 Patrol Security Officers spoke to a Student who was setting off Air Powered Rockets adjacent to Chemistry Building. The Student stated that he had been given approval however due to where the rockets were landing the Student was told to stop. Security are to follow up.
2025 Report of a group of 50 Students stealing Microwaves, Ironing Boards and Toasters from Derby Hall. Security attended. The group was located on the Downs and a number of the group were stopped and their details taken. A number of this group were either dressed in their underwear or naked. The Compliance and Investigations Manager is to be informed.
1210 Report that a Resident had a mouse in the flat. They stated that they had caught the mouse and put it outside but it kept coming back in. Security attended. Estates Help Desk to be informed.
1635 Report of a male on the roof of Trent Building. Security attended and spoke to the male who stated he was free running. The male was told to leave and not to go back on the building roof.
2030 Report of a Student with an injury to her hand in Hall. Security attended. The Student had bruised one of her fingers while “fooling around” with a friend.
1545 The Porter of Willoughby Hall reported that a sofa was on the roof of the Porters Lodge and that Estates would remove tomorrow.
1140 Report of a male by Highfields Lake with a Sword. Security attended. On arrival Officers spoke to a number of Students from a re-enactment Society and informed them of the concerns which had been raised. Students’ Union to be informed of Police request to be notified of any further such meetings in this area.
1510 A member of the public contacted Security to report that there was a Voodoo doll on the Headless Statue adjacent to Built Environment. The member of the public was concerned that Satanic Practices may affect Students. The person was given reassurance Officers attended the Statue and removed a doll with a pin through its head.
2245 Report of a dead body on the footpath adjacent to the Swimming Pool. Security and Police attended. On arrival a male was found to be drunk and unconscious. The male was woken up and spoken to. He confirmed his details and stated that he had been to a works party on Campus and had far too much to drink. This was confirmed by his line manager. The male was taken home for his own safety by the Police.
Never a dull moment on campus.
So which is your favourite? Here’s selection of the special ones for you to vote on below for no real purpose. Or you could suggest your own. You can choose three.
I follow these every day Paul and you’ve captured some memorable favourites. However, the one that came in yesterday takes some beating: 0145 Report of a male acting strangely wearing only Boxer shorts and a T Shirt at the West Entrance. The male was not on University property and was in the process of getting dressed, he then left the area on his pedal cycle stating he had to follow the signs to the Grave stones.
I guess, technically, this makes next year’s edit … 😉
This one was submitted earlier this week Paul … it would have made the shortlist had it made the editorial deadline (in my opinion).
0145 Report of a male acting strangely wearing only Boxer shorts and a T Shirt at the West Entrance. The male was not on University property and was in the process of getting dressed, he then left the area on his pedal cycle stating he had to follow the signs to the Grave stones.
But the best one is missing: hand to hand fighting over insufficient involvement in a group project! I have voted for other….
I follow these every day Paul and you’ve captured some memorable favourites. However, the one that came in yesterday takes some beating: 0145 Report of a male acting strangely wearing only Boxer shorts and a T Shirt at the West Entrance. The male was not on University property and was in the process of getting dressed, he then left the area on his pedal cycle stating he had to follow the signs to the Grave stones.
I guess, technically, this makes next year’s edit … 😉
This one was submitted earlier this week Paul … it would have made the shortlist had it made the editorial deadline (in my opinion).
0145 Report of a male acting strangely wearing only Boxer shorts and a T Shirt at the West Entrance. The male was not on University property and was in the process of getting dressed, he then left the area on his pedal cycle stating he had to follow the signs to the Grave stones.