This article is more than 11 years old

True Crime on Campus §30: Summer break?

Yet more true crime on campus Things can be difficult on campus sometimes. Even during the summer break there is still plenty to challenge our ever-alert security team. Especially when the weather is hot: 0740 Report that toilets in the Dearing Building had been blocked with newspaper Security attended. Estates Help Desk informed. 0115 Report … Continued
This article is more than 11 years old

Yet more true crime on campus

Things can be difficult on campus sometimes. Even during the summer break there is still plenty to challenge our ever-alert security team. Especially when the weather is hot:

0740 Report that toilets in the Dearing Building had been blocked with newspaper Security attended. Estates Help Desk informed.

0115 Report of two residents with painful ankles following dancing in the Mooch bar. The residents asked if Security could take them back to the Hall in a Security vehicle both residents taken back to the Hall.

Wonkhe Nottingham campus night1645 Patrol Security Officers spoke to a large group of youths who were in the Fountain adjacent to the Humanities Building. The youths were asked to leave Campus Officers had to request the Police to attend before the youths left Campus.


1750 Report of children swimming in the fountain adjacent to the Humanities Building Security attended and asked the children to get out of the water and not to swim in there.

1950 Report from a member of Staff that they had dropped their keys down the lift shaft in the Sir Colin Campbell Building. Security attended and were able to recover the keys.

A duck (recovered)
A duck (recovered)

0756 Report of a duck with a broken leg at North Entrance to University Park Security Staff called the RSPCA who stated that as the duck could fly they would not attend.1832 Report of a bottle of water being thrown from a vehicle driving the wrong way down Cut Through Lane. Security attended the vehicle has been identified Officers are to follow up.

1720 Report of a Conference Delegate with stomach pain. Security and an Ambulance attended.

0134 Request for an Ambulance to Abbey house as one of the occupants was giving birth.

0150 Complaint of noise in Sherwood Hall. Security attended – the noise was Delegates returning to their rooms. No action taken by Officers.

0245 Complaint of noise outside Melton Hall. Security attended and spoke to a group of people outside the Hall and asked them to keep the noise down.

1410 Report of a wasps nest in the Sports and Social Club. Mitie called out.

1430 Patrol Security Officers spoke to three males who were fishing in the Lake at the Jubilee Campus. Officers explained that there is no fishing allowed on the Campus and asked the males to leave.

1641 Patrol Security Officers asked a group of people who were in the Lake at Jubilee Campus to get out and leave the Campus.

1730 Patrol Security Officers asked a group of people who were in the Lake at Jubilee Campus to get out and leave the Campus.

2120 Patrol Security Officers asked a group of youths to leave Jubilee Camus who were playing football close to buildings.


Wonkhe Trike1220 Patrol Security observed a small child on a tricycle fall into the Lake at Jubilee Campus. The child’s Grandfather got the child out and the Officer was able to get the child’s cycle out of the water. The child was unhurt, just wet. They were taken home by the Grand parent.

1950 Request from resident regarding birds in his chimney. Security attended and the bird – a Jackdaw – was apprehended by Officers. The Jackdaw was released by Officers after being removed from the House. At the request of the occupant Contractors were called out to board up the fireplace.

0905 Report that Conference Delegates in Newark Hall had items stolen from their rooms. Security attended – it was discovered that the Delegates were on the wrong floor of the Hall. All items were safe in their rooms.

2354 Intruder alarm Hallward Library. Cause of activation due to a bat having flown into the area. Security attended. Officers were able to get the bat to leave the Building.

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