This article is more than 13 years old

True Crime on Campus §15: Freshen up!

For the new arrivals The start of the new session and the arrival of thousands of eager freshers brings with it additional challenges for our ever-responsive and capable Security Team. All of the following are freshly reported incidents from the first week or so of the new academic year here at Nottingham. Let’s hope things … Continued
This article is more than 13 years old

For the new arrivals

The start of the new session and the arrival of thousands of eager freshers brings with it additional challenges for our ever-responsive and capable Security Team. All of the following are freshly reported incidents from the first week or so of the new academic year here at Nottingham. Let’s hope things calm down a little.

0858 Report that a Student had collapsed at Lenton and Wortley Hall – Security attended. The Student was on her feet when Security arrived. The Student stated that she had cut her finger and fainted.

Wonkhe cut finger0615 Report that a duvet was taken from a Students room while the Student was asleep in Cripps Hall. Security attended – the duvet was found on the Grass outside the Hall. The Student was advised not to sleep with his room door unlocked.

2105 Report of Graffiti on a Pool Table in Cripps Hall. Security attended, Hall Management to be informed.

2305 Report of people Camping on the Sports Field adjacent to the NCSL. Security attended – the area was checked no one was found.

2315 Report of a drunken Student attempting to enter Lenton and Wortley Hall. Security attended. On arrival the Student was spoken to she was found to have been resident in the Hall last year and was so drunk she had forgotten that she lived in the City this year. A Taxi was arranged to take her to her new address.

0845 Patrol Security found a male drunk and lying in the road at the top of Keighton Hill. Officers requested an Ambulance which took the male to the QMC. The male has no connection to the University.

0215 A Student living in Raleigh Park contacted the University Security Control room to say that she was trapped in the lift at Raleigh Park. University Security Staff were able to contact the call out Staff for Raleigh Park and get them to the Student. The Student was informed that help was on the way.

1030 Report of the theft of Lead from Sherwood Hall. Security attended, Police informed.

1000 Report of a Student feeling unwell in Rutland Hall. The Student stated that he had been drunk the night before and jumped off a wall and bruised his feet which were hurting. The Student was advised to attend A+E.

0200 Report of a Student feeling unwell in Lenton and Wortley Hall. Security attended – NHS Direct were contacted who had advised no more alcohol and to drink plenty of water.

And the slightly more mundane but inescapable start of term incidents:

0830 Report of a blocked toilet – Estates Staff attended – Lanes for Drains called out.
1045 Report of a leaking sick [sic] Rutland Hall – Estates Staff attended.
1120 Report of a door not closing Lincoln Hall – Estates Staff attended.
1405 Report of a light not working Nightingale Hall – Estates Staff attended.

0030 Security provided access to Willoughby Hall for three Students who had lost their room key.
0040 Security provided access to Cavendish Hall for a Student who had lost their room key.
0130 Security provided access to Cavendish Hall for a Student who had lost their room key.
0130 Security provided access to Southwell Hall for a Student who had lost their room key.
0245 Security provided access to Cavendish Hall for a Student who was locked out of their room.
0250 Security provided access to Cavendish Hall for a Student who had lost their room key.
0300 Security provided access to Lincoln Hall for a Student who had lost their room key.
0300 Security provided access to Rutland Hall for a Student who had lost their room key.

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