This article is more than 13 years old

The four UK University League Tables of 2011

UK University League Tables 2011/12 Given the huge amount of traffic (OK, huge for me) to the site over the past week or so on UK league tables, I thought a summary might come in useful. Four league tables have been published during the current year for those considering 2012 entry and all have previously … Continued
This article is more than 13 years old

UK University League Tables 2011/12

Wonkhe League TablesGiven the huge amount of traffic (OK, huge for me) to the site over the past week or so on UK league tables, I thought a summary might come in useful. Four league tables have been published during the current year for those considering 2012 entry and all have previously been summarised (top 20s at least) here. As a handy reference guide, here they all are:

Sunday Times 2012 League Table

The Times 2012 League Table

The Guardian 2012 League Table

The Complete University Guide 2012 League Table

All your league table needs in one handy location. Do handle with care though.

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