This article is more than 3 years old

PODCAST: Summer special – building back student experience

For our summer special podcast in association with Routledge, we've assembled special guests from higher education research, pedagogy and leadership to explore how we build student experience back in the year ahead
This article is more than 3 years old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

In association with Routledge, we’ve assembled some special guests from the field of higher education research, pedagogy and leadership to explore how we build student experience back in the year ahead.

Hosted by Wonkhe’s editor Debbie McVitty, and featuring Wonkhe associate editor Jim Dickinson, co-editor of A handbook for student engagement in higher education Tom Lowe, Internationalisation in HE series editor Elspeth Jones, and Queen Mary University of London vice principal Stephanie Marshall.

Routledge is offering an exclusive discount to Wonkhe Show listeners – head over to the Wonkhe Show special edition page on their site to find out more, meet the authors featured, and browse for titles, including those mentioned in the show.

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