This article is more than 4 years old

PODCAST: Half term retention special

In a special edition of the podcast in association with Solutionpath, we discuss how universities can connect with students who are at risk of non-continuation.
This article is more than 4 years old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

Our usual discussion format is on its half term break, so ahead of our Wonkhe @ Home event on retention on 4 November we’ve got a recording of our session on the subject from our Secret Life of Students event in September.

This term students need more help than usual to thrive, especially when face to face contact, extracurricular activity and part-time work is severely constrained. In this discussion, delivered in partnership with Solutionpath, a panel of experts explored how universities can build a picture of student engagement, and explore what can be done to reconnect with students who are at risk of non-continuation.

With Richard Gascoigne CEO, Solutionpath; Helen Higson, Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Aston University; Ed Foster, Head of Student Engagement and Analytics, Nottingham Trent University; and Wonkhe’s Editor Debbie McVitty.

Our event Don’t Drop Out runs on November 4 – you can register here.

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