This article is more than 17 years old

Not another transcendental university

That’s all we need Not entirely clear from the Guardian story exactly how the “Invincible Donovan University” will qualify for the award of the university title but guess these things will just kind of happen: Donovan claimed that the practice of transcendental meditation would enhance the learning experience. “It will be a normal university but … Continued
This article is more than 17 years old

That’s all we need

Not entirely clear from the Guardian story exactly how the “Invincible Donovan University” will qualify for the award of the university title but guess these things will just kind of happen:

donovan lynch

Donovan claimed that the practice of transcendental meditation would enhance the learning experience. “It will be a normal university but will also be very, very different because of its potential that will be unfolding because of an extraordinary technique which I learnt when I was in India with the Beatles in 1968,” he said. “It’s called transcendental meditation and it has been applied for many years in different educational programmes with astounding results.”

Sounds like he’s already gearing up for the QAA visit. Mellow.

His partner in peace, David Lynch, should be a help there too. Can’t believe they were given serious air time on the Today programme to promote this.

One response to “Not another transcendental university

  1. Many critics consider Transcendental Meditation a cult led by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. For an alternative view of the TM Movement, readers may be interested in checking out TM-Free Blog,, or my counseling site,, where individuals recovering from Transcendental Meditation and similar groups will find helpful information.
    John M. Knapp, LMSW

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