This article is more than 16 years old

New 2008 world university rankings from SJTU

2008 Shanghai Jiao Tong University League Table just published… The latest SJTU rankings for 2008 now published although not “official” it seems until 15 August. Harvard is again top as in 2007, and Cambridge remains in 4th position and top from the UK. Top 20 as follows: 1 Harvard University 2 Stanford University 3 University … Continued
This article is more than 16 years old

2008 Shanghai Jiao Tong University League Table just published…

The latest SJTU rankings for 2008 now published although not “official” it seems until 15 August.

Harvard is again top as in 2007, and Cambridge remains in 4th position and top from the UK. Top 20 as follows:

1 Harvard University
2 Stanford University
3 University of California – Berkeley
4 University of Cambridge
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
6 California Institute of Technology
7 Columbia University
8 Princeton University
9 University of Chicago
10 University of Oxford
11 Yale University
12 Cornell University
13 University of California – Los Angeles
14 University of California – San Diego
15 University of Pennsylvania
16 University of Washington – Seattle
17 Univ Wisconsin – Madison
18 University of California – San Francisco
19 Tokyo University
20 Johns Hopkins University

UK universities appear in the top 100 as follows (change from last year in brackets):

4 Cambridge (no change)
10 Oxford (no change)
22 UCL (up 3)
27 Imperial (down 4)
40 Manchester (up 8 places)
55 Edinburgh (down 2)
61 Bristol (up 1)
77 Sheffield (down 5)
81 King’s London (up 2)
82 Nottingham (down 1)
91 Birmingham (up 1)

No other UK institutions feature in the Shanghai Jiao Tong world 100.

(with thanks to Comms Office for the early spot)

8 responses to “New 2008 world university rankings from SJTU

  1. How come Nottingham keeps going down the table? It was a top ten instituion in the 90’s and had the most number of applicants and a very high average tariff score. For the past few years it has been slipping down the table as the average tariffs have been getting lower and lower. Could someone tell me why Nottingham University’s vision is to be a big university with average standards than a smaller one with high entry standards, and hence being a higher ranked university in the league tables and seen as more ‘prestigious’?


  2. Don’t think this is the vision! Rather it is possible to be big, international and maintain high standards and excellent research. However, UK league table ranking methodologies don’t do us any favours

  3. i just couldnt get why there is this much of a diffrence between british uni rankings and SJTU. As Shefield, Brimingham, Edinburgh, Bristol and Kings College are ahead of Manchester in British rankings like Times and Guardian and all of them are way behind Manchester in SJTU.

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