This article is more than 17 years old

More virtual universities needed

There seem to be some rather mixed messages here: In a speech to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce) on Wednesday, Education Secretary Alan Johnson said the country needed its world class higher education system more than ever. “England’s universities have always played a vital role in shaping our country’s role in the … Continued
This article is more than 17 years old

There seem to be some rather mixed messages here:

In a speech to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce) on Wednesday, Education Secretary Alan Johnson said the country needed its world class higher education system more than ever. “England’s universities have always played a vital role in shaping our country’s role in the world,” he said. But England’s historic eminence in higher education did not come with a life-time guarantee and hard work was needed to ensure the universities remained world class.

So, we all need to work harder…

“If we don’t, our economy will suffer and we will lose our share of the growing market of 100 million overseas students worldwide,” he said.

…and recruit more international students…

It was vital to press ahead with efforts to encourage children from poorer backgrounds to go to university and this had to start at a young age.

…and do more to widen participation…

Mr Johnson also said efforts should also continue to develop new ways of delivering higher education, with more virtual institutions.

But best of all we have to have MORE virtual universities. I must admit to being slightly unsure about how many we currently have. I’m sure it’s a really good idea though given the resounding success of the UK e-university project.

See link from BBC for full details

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