This article is more than 6 years old

I Spy Universities

Paul Greatrix introduces his I Spy Universities series. How many points for a "Sam on Campus" tour stop?
This article is more than 6 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

Not that long ago there was a short-lived wonk fad for calculating the number of UK universities you had visited. The undisputed champ was and surely still is the incredibly well-travelled Aaron Porter who, when I last checked, had visited in excess of 125 universities.


But it is all a bit tedious trying to remember the details of each university you have been to and therefore I’m delighted to report that for us mere mortals Wonkhe has now published I Spy Universities. Featuring every UK university (subject to OfS Registration) this niche I Spy book is sure to be a big hit in the sector as it brings all the fun and nostalgia wonks will remember from their youth bang up to date.

Packed with interesting facts, information and HESA data, these I Spy books are a fantastic way for wonks of all ages to learn and discover the higher education world around them.

Keen spotters can also choose more detailed titles for a range of universities but so far it is only the Complete University Guide Top 25 which have been published.

Also some more specific titles have recently been published too:

I Spy Doctoral Training Centres
I Spy University Libraries
I Spy International Branch Campuses
I Spy Sector Regulatory Agencies
I Spy Pro-Vice-Chancellors
I Spy TEF Gold Universities

As if that weren’t enough I Spy wonkery, I am advised that the following titles are coming soon: I Spy Challenger Universities, I Spy Registrars, I Spy THE Top 200 World Universities and I Spy Student Union Shops & Bars.

Spot it, spy it and score it to become a super-spotter (100,000 points) and we’ll send you a Wonkhe badge and certificate (we might not).

Whether as a group or individually, this exciting Wonkhe series will guarantee hours of higher ed spotting fun and discovery*.


*No refunds if disappointed or very bored

2 responses to “I Spy Universities

  1. Hilarious!

    But – “I Spy Student Union Shops & Bars.”

    Surely Students’ Union….

  2. More surveillance of staff, this time covertly. What other humiliation do you expect people in the University sector to absorb. Parasites!

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