This article is more than 3 years old

Fantasy land – It’s the 2022 fictional universities ranking

Registrarism returns with the ultimate guide to universities that you can't actually apply to or attend
This article is more than 3 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

We all know that league tables are famed for their thoroughly accurate and precise assessments of university performance to give wholly convincing rankings of institutions based on totally credible criteria. It’s all about the rigour.

But every now and then even rankers need to let their hair down a bit and allow their creative sides to come to the fore.

Back in 2020 we presented this really robust ranking of fictional universities and it is now time for a refresh. So, once again it is our humble duty to offer this welcome riposte to the harsh realities of the real rankings with an entirely made up league table featuring fictional universities and colleges from movies, books and TV (or some other entertaining purpose).

With our totally committed and obsessive data partner we can be utterly confident that we have the most accurate, precise, data rich and exciting ranking of fictional institutions (since 2020). And there have been some important changes in those appearing in the upper and lower reaches of the table. For the first time we show the top 50 places. (50!) The algorithms here are simply too complex to explain so you’ll just have to take it from us, it’s all good.

Anyway, here are the all new top 50.

1Monsters University (4)
2Winchester University (1)
3Cow Eye Community College (3)
4California University (2)
5Wrottesley Polytechnic (12)
6Waindell College (6)
7Starfleet Academy (5)
8Manchester Medlock University (28)
9Reeses University (-)
10Wordsmith College (7)
11University of Christminster (8)
12Sweet Valley University (19)
13Wellington College (9)
14Miskatonic University (15)
15Rummidge University (11)
16Felpersham University (20)
17Unseen University (13)
18Empire State University (14)
19Hillman College (10)
20University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople (16)
21Wetherton University (17)
22Watermouth University (18)
23Poltowan University (23)
24Scumbag College (26)
25University of Maximegalon (21)
26Burston Central University (22)
27Euphoric State University (43)
28Greendale Community College (24)  
29DuPont University (25)
30University of Los Angeles (42)
31Gallifrey University (27)
32St Rule’s University (38)
33St Cedd's College (-)
34University of American Samoa (-)
35Poppleton University (35)
36King’s College Dublin (29)
37Bantshire University (30)
38University of Tayside (-)
39Lowlands University (37)
40 Maguire University (31)
41University of California, Sunnydale(32)
42Faber College (34)
43Clyde University (-)
44Eastern Arkansas University (40)
45University of Norwich (-)
46University of Edgestow (41)
47Kirke University (36)
48Fibchester University (-)
49University of Gloucester (33)
50St. John's University (Australia) (-)

It’s a heck of a top 50 as I’m sure you’ll agree. And it’s a breakthrough year for the big beasts at Monsters University who top the table for the first time. Wrottesley Poly surprises everyone with its climb into the top 10 having been languishing at the bottom of the ranking in 2019 and it’s a heck of a jump for Manchester Medlock who shoot up 20 places to 8th in an incredible advance. Fresh meat indeed for the top 10. But the most extraordinary leap is Reese’s University, a new entry this year and in from nowhere at number 9 (but unlikely to prove popular with European students). Great news indeed for the home of the fighting cuppies (it says here).

There are some exciting new entries in the lower reaches of the top 50 and I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of St John’s, Clyde University, Tayside and St Cedd’s. Meanwhile it’s not such good news for Bantshire, Gallifrey and King’s College Dublin who all slide down the table.

Anyway, we’re all made up any which way you like it.

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