This article is more than 5 years old

Webinars spring term 2020

This article is more than 5 years old

This is a briefing for Wonkhe SUs subscribers.

This term we’re running webinars on a Friday morning, and we use MS Teams which allows you to join on a PC, tablet or mobile. We also record them and post them up a few hours after each one.

Links to join will appear on this page, as will recordings after each webinar.

NOTE we will be scheduling additional webinars on student protection plans, OfS’ student engagement strategy, and (subject level) TEF as and when we know the dates of publication of related reviews/strategies.

Our webinars run on Microsoft Teams and you can join using Desktop and Mobile devices. You can download teams for Android, the Apple store, and Desktop (PC and Mac)

Where are we with Access and Participation?

Friday 31 January 10-10.45am

OfS has published a new report into APPs. This webinar will update on the OfS findings and give you an overview of the involvement that SUs are having in the agenda, and SU projects that are being funded by universities to help deliver the plans.


Harassment and sexual misconduct

Friday 7 February 10-10.45am

This webinar will introduce the consultation from OfS on harassment and sexual misconduct, explore some of the implications for universities and SUs and give you a chance to consider your response as an SU into the consultation.


Extenuating circumstances

Friday 14 February 10-10.45am

The Office of the Independent Adjudicator is running a consultation on its approach to “requests for special consideration”, better known as “extenuating circumstances” or “mitigating circumstances”. This webinar looks at the issues it is covering and things for SUs to think about when responding to the consultation.


Ten ways to improve institution-level student representation

Friday 21 February 10-10.45am

Lots of SUs are looking to improve their student representation/partnership work at institutional level. This webinar gathers up examples of work across the sector and identifies ten approaches/components that SUs have been implementing.


SU futures

Friday 28 February 10-10.45am

Lots of SUs had strategic plans running to 2020 and lots of SUs are busy creating their new strategic plans. This webinar will summarise the SUFutures work that has been running to look at some of the big strategic issues facing SUs in the next decade.


Developments in assessment and feedback

Plenty of SUs have been working with their university to explore ways in which they might improve their NSS performance on Assessment and Feedback. This webinar will explore work across the sector and identify approaches SUs might argue for in their university.

Briefing: Could moderation make marking fairer and mean more consistent feedback?

Employability and Entrepreneurship – postponed

Instead: Covid-19 – what’s happening?

Friday 13 March 10-10.45am

We’ll round up what we’ve been hearing – but also give you a chance to share key discussions and questions with others under “Chatham House Rules”. It would be great if every SU could put someone on the call.

Covid-19 assessment arrangements

Friday 20 March 9.30am to 10.30am

We’re doing a quick conference call on assessment during Covid-19. We figure it would be very helpful to share (and discuss) what everyone’s universities are doing on assessment. Has your university, for example, adopted the “no-detriment” approach being widely circulated? What is happening for more practical courses?

The finances of your institution

Monday 6 April 2pm

Briefing: Preparing to discuss your university’s finances

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