This article is more than 11 years old

Quidditch World Cup 2013 update

Pottering in the sun The Huffington Post carries a top sports story on the recent Quidditch World Cup held in Florida: the majority of teams competing at this level have official uniforms names paying homage to the book series, like the Silicon Valley Skrewts and the Melbourne Manticores. Spectators will find many of the same … Continued
This article is more than 11 years old

Pottering in the sun

The Huffington Post carries a top sports story on the recent Quidditch World Cup held in Florida:

Wonkhe Harry Potter Broomstickthe majority of teams competing at this level have official uniforms names paying homage to the book series, like the Silicon Valley Skrewts and the Melbourne Manticores.

Spectators will find many of the same features from the books. Players throw balls or “quaffles” through ringed hoops for points and even can chase and capture the “snitch” to end matches.

And in case any Harry Potter diehards are wondering, yes, all the players also must maneuver around on broomsticks during gameplay. Much like the ability to dunk a basketball is restricted to a gifted few, however, real-life quidditch players have yet to take flight.

A previous post noted the popularity of quidditch in UK universities and its value as a recruitment tool. It seems though that the US, as host to the ‘world cup’ is leading the way in international quidditch competition. Or were there British teams there?

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