This article is more than 17 years old

Revolting people

Writing about Revolts A website overseen by Professor Philip Cowley from Nottingham (he of frequent media comments on these matters) which offers the following: This is an academic research project looking at the way MPs and peers vote. It will be (or at least aims to be) useful for journalists, politicians, lobbyists, and members of … Continued
This article is more than 17 years old

Writing about Revolts

A website overseen by Professor Philip Cowley from Nottingham (he of frequent media comments on these matters) which offers the following:

This is an academic research project looking at the way MPs and peers vote. It will be (or at least aims to be) useful for journalists, politicians, lobbyists, and members of the public interested in parliamentary behaviour. We’re interested in all votes, whipped and unwhipped and all parties. Our main interest – as the majority party in the Commons – is on Labour, but we’re also interested in looking at the Conservatives and Lib Dems, as well as the minor parties. We publish regular briefing papers analysing key events – such as the Foundation Hospitals rebellion or the revolts over top-up fees – as well as more detailed research papers. Over the last year our research has featured in most UK newspapers (including the Telegraph, Guardian, Independent and Times) as well as being used widely on TV and Radio (including Newsnight, The World Tonight, BBC News 24 and so on).

It might go into a little too much detail for some but I must admit to finding it unhealthily fascinating.

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