This article is more than 3 years old

PODCAST: 7.5k fees, credit, student futures, apprenticeships

This week on the podcast we try to make sense of ongoing speculation about fees and funding in England as we move towards an Autumn response to the Augar review.
This article is more than 3 years old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

This week on the podcast we try to make sense of ongoing speculation about fees and funding in England as we move towards an Autumn response to the Augar review.

There’s also a new report out on academic credit that may be more important than first meets the eye, news from the UPP Foundation Student Futures Commission and polling on what students have missed out on this year, and UCAS has a new report out on apprenticeships. Plus Hidden History looks at higher-level learning.

With Helen O’Sullivan, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Chester, Johnny Rich, Chief Executive at the Engineering Professors Council, Mike Ratcliffe, Academic Registrar at Nottingham Trent University and presented by Jim Dickinson, Associate Editor at Wonkhe.

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