Is university signage important for academic achievement?
No. And I fear that this story rather overstates the significance of signage on university campuses.
This piece was pointed out to me by Simon @GlobalHE (to whom many thanks) and covers the importance of signage in education. Whilst I really do want to take it seriously and I do recognise that with a big and diverse campus we do need effective signage for students, staff and visitors, it all seems a bit over the top:

Educational buildings are used by a range of demographic groups, from small children to mature students, with a variety of needs and requirements.
A good signage strategy is the starting point to make sure that all staff, students and visitors can move around the school or campus in an efficient, clear and secure way.
“Educational wayfinding signage needs to be clear, concise, accurate, durable and stylish,” said Lindsay Burnham, marketing manager for Astley, an established sign provider in the education sector.She continued: “Not only does the information need to be correct and visible, it also has to meet all health and safety regulations to maintain the wellbeing of the individuals.
”Signage can also play a part in a student’s academic achievements, as Burnham explained: “Attending a new a school or university is daunting for any student and being able to work their way round the campus, to be in the right place at the right time, is a key factor as to whether they feel settled in their new place of study and ultimately that they perform well and are successful.”
So, whilst sign providers will, of course, recommend a carefully planned signage strategy from the early stages of a new build project, it probably isn’t business critical. Or perhaps I’m underestimating the importance of all this.
Yeah, nonsense
Until you arrive to teach on a Saturday morning in July, awaiting a group of adults coming on a professional development programme. They’ve never been to campus before, don’t know their way around, but have been carefully directed in joining instructions to go to a particular car park. And when they get to the access road for said car park, there is a dirty great sign saying road closed, no explanation or alternative offered. Then, signs are important.
I feel better now!