Ten reasons why TEF signals may not be helpful for prospective students

According to the Office for Students (OfS), the new and improved ratings in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) are supposed to help “inform student choice”.

Jim is an Associate Editor (SUs) at Wonkhe

And the government says that it “helps prospective students to select the best provision for them.”

The idea here is that an assessment of the quality of provision sends a signal to students about the quality they will experience if they enrol on a programme at that provider.

OfS even has analysis (in both a blog and a dashboard) that claims things like “26 per cent of entrants aged under 21” are “accessing an outstanding experience and outcomes” – or “gold”, as it’s known here.

But some of those students may well be “experiencing” quite poor teaching, or have poor outcomes, or be having a poor experience. And plenty of students in non-gold providers will be having an excellent experience with outstanding outcomes.

There’s not really much wrong with an exercise that hands out awards to universities in this way. We all need a pick-me-up from time to time, and it’s nice for advertising purposes.

But its efficacy as a formal “consumer signalling” exercise? I’m not so sure.

  1. If I was to ask 100 students if they realise that the outcomes component is benchmarked around the sorts of students at that provider with similar student bodies, I can pretty much guarantee that 100 will say no. Benchmarking might make the exercise “fairer” from a “value added” point of view for providers, but students looking at the outcomes ratings will still feel cheated if and when they discover the “truth”. Same’s true for experience.
  2. The core metrics consist of 4 years’ worth of data, and so some of the metrics from 2018-19 refer to experiences and outcomes derived from years before that. A lot could have changed since then – and almost certainly has.
  3. That also means that as the awards last four years, a student might choose a provider in 2026 based on data from the mid 2010s, on the basis that the performance will persist to 2030. That feels less than optimal.
  4. As well as the idea that the signal helps a student predict future quality, the signal only makes sense if the signal broadly represents the whole provider – so all subjects, levels, modes etc are broadly consistent. But in a large provider, there’s pretty much no chance that’s true. See also various student characteristics.
  5. Provider size matters. Plenty of small providers have been awarded bronze. But if those providers were delivering exactly the same experience and outcomes as part of a huge university, it’s entirely possible that said university would have been given gold. That’s highly problematic – despite the dropping of subject TEF” along the way.
  6. Somewhat surprisingly, providers were able to choose whether to include apprenticeship provision, or validated provision. I doubt that will mean that prospective students on such programmes will be warned that the medal being flaunted at them in advertising might have ignored their course.
  7. Subcontracted-in students and transnational education students are not separated out as categories in data or ratings. That also raises questions about the way those providers advertise themselves in those contexts.
  8. And prospective PGT students will also doubtless be told about the rating that their potential university has received, with similar problems regarding advertising.
  9. Given where overall sector funding is, the prospect of most universities maintaining the quality of experience over the next four years is low – but students won’t be told that or in any way warned – and there will be differential deterioration based on subject and provider type.
  10. If you’re throwing a 50th wedding anniversary party this weekend for a relative, you’ll want to signal your joy – but you’ll struggle on the procurement of balloons in some towns/cities this weekend. All because of an arguably misleading consumer signalling exercise for your local university.

5 responses to “Ten reasons why TEF signals may not be helpful for prospective students

  1. While I agree with many of your criticisms of TEF (although in some cases the only solution is to say nothing about potential quality which is just as problematic) I think you are way off the mark on benchmarking.
    There is a widely held belief, largely devoid of any evidence, that a student going to a provider with a given level of absolute outcomes will get those outcomes. The last time I spent any time looking at this it simply wasn’t true, some providers had a pretty uniform value add across entry qualifications, some raised everyone to similar levels and a few were negatively correlated. Looking at absolute outcomes could therefore be quite misleading. Using the benchmark at least gives you an average value add score that cancels out a lot of the prior attainment and other demographic noise, it’s far from perfect but it is much better than just using raw data

    1. I absolutely agree with you here Richard – both benchmarking and absolute values have problems in this kind of exercise, but benchmarking is better at taking into account student backgrounds.

      Indeed, I would argue that OfS needs to take account of benchmarks in B3 regulation.

      1. They broadly do, this is set out in paragraph 19 of regulatory advice 20 although this is only really used as a mitigating factor for poor absolute performance rather than to judge that performance might be poor in context. So, a provider taking 3A* students onto medical courses that has an 80% progression is unlikely to raise an OfS eyebrow as it’s above the 75% minimum threshold but 15+% below benchmark, if I saw such a course my eyebrow would be raised.

  2. I am just enjoying the fact that the University with ‘concerns’ against it got Gold for student experience and Bronze for outcomes; if you were looking at the TEF you wouldn’t know that there was anything for the OfS to be concerned about. Whilst that only refers to a small chunk of that provider’s provision, it is still seemingly incongruous.

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