Image: Shutterstock Supporting the careers of researchers means innovation, not isolation by Richard Emes Comment 11/02/25 1
Do you really have to sign up to a political agenda to get research funding? Do you really have to sign up to a political agenda to get research funding? by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 8/02/25 3
Image: Shutterstock Another way of thinking about the national assessment of people, culture, and environment by Elizabeth Gadd Comment 6/02/25 14
Image: Shutterstock Do we need a league table of scholars produced by Silicon Valley? by Lawrie Phipps Comment 21/11/24 5
Image: Shutterstock Principal investigators are the gatekeepers of research culture. Here’s how to better support them by James Howard Comment 18/09/24
Image: Shutterstock Four things no-one wants to admit about research culture by Elizabeth Gadd Comment 31/07/24 3
Image: Shutterstock Making collective action happen when it comes to equitable research funding by Thandiwe Hara Comment 2/07/24
Image: Shutterstock The challenge of pursuing research security when nationality becomes a shorthand for risk by Sapna Marwaha Comment 10/06/24
Image: Shutterstock To measure research culture, start with what you value by Sarah Whalley Comment 1/03/24
Image: Shutterstock Measuring research impact has lessons for measuring research culture by Grace Gottlieb Comment 1/02/24
New developments in REF people, culture and environment measures New developments in REF people, culture and environment measures by James Coe Wonk Corner 25/01/24
Image: Shutterstock What’s happening with the REF initial decisions consultation? by Jessica Corner Comment 28/11/23
Image: Shutterstock A pragmatic approach to people, culture and environment measures in the next REF by Christina Boswell Comment 22/11/23 1
UKRI takes the heat out of the minister's missive UKRI takes the heat out of the minister’s missive by James Coe Wonk Corner 31/10/23 14
Image: Shutterstock Changes to research assessment have unintended consequences by Anton Muscatelli Comment 22/09/23 1
Image: Shutterstock How exactly could REF 2028 evidence research culture? by Mark Whelan Analysis 5/09/23 1
Image: Shutterstock REF 2028 mustn’t forget about research outputs by David Duncan Comment 16/08/23 2
Image: Shutterstock We need to talk about postdoc career development by James Howard Comment 30/03/23
Image: Shutterstock Do marginal gains approaches in universities fuel REF myths? by Órla Meadhbh Murray Analysis 18/05/22 5
Image: Shutterstock Efforts to improve career development for researchers are bearing fruit by Dana Gamble Comment 16/03/22
Image; Shutterstock The academic other in research management by Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg Comment 10/03/22 1
Image: Shutterstock Communities of practice are where researcher development happens by Saneeya Qureshi Comment 26/01/22
wonkhe-black-scientist Racism still pervades the academic sciences by Daniel Akinbosede Comment 25/10/21 3
Image: Shutterstock Forging prosperous pathways for early career and postdoctoral researchers by Saneeya Qureshi Comment 24/09/21
The R&D people and culture strategy The R&D people and culture strategy by David Kernohan Wonk Corner 22/07/21 1
Image: Shutterstock How the REF is used determines how the burden is felt by Astrid Wissenburg Comment 2/06/21 2
Image: Shutterstock It’s time for coordinated action to change research culture by Grace Gottlieb Comment 4/05/21 4
Image: Shutterstock Research integrity thrives in positive research cultures by Katie Wheat Analysis 6/07/20