HEPI continues to transition from a data-led policy analysis unit with very close ties to HEFCE to a more politically-aligned think tank. Always interesting and occasionally provocative, it is a rare wonk that doesn’t have a slim blue (or occasionally yellow) pamphlet from HEPI on their desk or bookshelves. Increasingly, these are supplemented by shorter – more opinion-based – articles, published on the HEPI blog in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Hillman himself rose to prominence as an advisor to David Willetts and was formerly a prospective parliamentary candidate in Cambridge for the Conservatives.
This article is more than 7 years old
Nick Hillman
HEPI continues to transition from a data-led policy analysis unit with very close ties to HEFCE to a more politically-aligned think tank. Always interesting and occasionally provocative, it is a rare wonk that doesn’t have a slim blue (or occasionally yellow) pamphlet from HEPI on their desk or bookshelves. Increasingly, these are supplemented by shorter … Continued
This article is more than 7 years old