This article is more than 3 years old

True Crime on Campus #58: Coming out of lockdown

Paul Greatrix has the latest surprising extracts from campus security reports.
This article is more than 3 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

All of our university campuses have been a bit quiet during the last lockdown but things began to change a while back and, despite the government’s inexplicable reluctance to allow all remaining students back until mid-May (at the earliest), matters have definitely become a bit livelier of late.

Nottingham’s outstanding (and award-winning) Security Team have been part of the on campus presence at the university throughout the pandemic to ensure the safety of staff and students who are on site. Security staff have to deal with all sorts of unusual happenings at the best of times but lockdown has made things even stranger than usual. It’s difficult work but they do a fantastic job which is enormously appreciated by colleagues across the university as I am sure will be the case at institutions everywhere.

We’ve been sharing highlights from campus crime reports for over a decade now and you can find part one of the best of the best here and part two here if you missed them.

Some surprising incidents then to report including some serious pigeon activity, a bit of dangerous driving, a missing glitter ball and a drone accident.

15:45 Report of a Motorcycle doing wheelies along the footpath leading to Jubilee Hall, Jubilee Campus. Security to follow up.

18:22 Security were alerted by a campus resident who wanted to report some youths who had been riding a motor bike over his garden.  They left when they were confronted about it being private property by the occupant.  Security to follow up.

23:55 Hall Porter witnessed a student throw a glass bottle, followed by a toilet seat, from upper floor window of Hall JCR, leaving broken glass on the pavement. Security attended and found the student sweeping up the broken glass. Conduct and Investigations Manager to be informed.

15:10 Security received a report from a member of the public of a large group of skateboarders under the Tram Bridge adjacent to Science Road. On arrival, only one individual was present, and was not skateboarding at the time. Advice was provided on the University being private land.

12:00 Report that a parked car had rolled from its space and struck the Centre for 3D Design. No damage was evident to the building; the car had sustained some damage, which is to be dealt with by its owner.

13:30 Report that soap had been added to the Djanogly Terrace’s fountains, resulting in the water foaming up considerably. Estates Helpdesk informed.

09:50 Security attended Hall following reports that a pigeon had gained entry and was in some distress. The attending officer successfully escorted the pigeon from the building.

02:50 Security attended Hall following a report that a glitter ball had been stolen. On arrival, this was found to have been mistakenly reported due to the owner being inebriated and having temporarily mislaid the glitter ball. The owner apologised for any inconvenience.

10:25 Report that a member of the public had slipped on ice and fallen into the lake opposite Jubilee Campus’ Spar shop. The individual was assisted in drying off, and was transported home by Security. Additional temporary safety measures were placed at the lake. Safety Office informed.

10:10 Security attended Hall Kitchen after a report of a member of staff locking their keys inside their locker. Security removed the lock and provided access to the locker. Estates Helpdesk informed.

08:00 Report of an abandoned vehicle on Florence Boot Field. This was found to belong to a delivery driver who had been making a delivery to Florence Boot Hall and had become stuck on the wet grass. The driver returned and was able to remove the vehicle from the field.

19:17 Security were called to the rear of the Dearing Building, as a member of the public had reported a male being aggressive and verbally abusive. On arrival the male was wearing a Halloween mask. He appeared to be drunk, he was advised to leave campus, which he did. Police attended but not needed.

18:00 Security attended the rear of Willoughby Hall as a group of 9 youths approx. 15 years old were loitering around and were all intoxicated after drinking a large amount of Vodka, with one of the youths falling off his bike and vomiting several times. Security were concerned for one of the youths who was trying to ride his bike on the road in a very drunken state. Security instructed one of his friends to take the bike off him which she did. All youths left campus and apologised as they left.

08:00 Report that various objects had been thrown into the Djanogly Terrace water feature. Estates Helpdesk informed.

20:00 Security were approached by a student advising that her friend had crashed her drone into the lake next to the Djanogly Learning Resource Centre on Jubilee Campus and was now trying to retrieve the drone. Security spoke to the owner and advised her that she should not be flying a drone without the permission of the University and not to try to retrieve this from the lake as it was not safe. The student emailed a picture to the Security Officer of the drone and the location of where it had landed in the lake, the Security Officer advised the owner that he would put in a request with the Estates Grounds team to try to retrieve it for her.

1553 Report of a large group of people at Grove Farm having a BBQ, Security have reported the matter to Police.

20:40 Report of a male urinating on the ‘Nottingham’ sign at University Park Campus. Security attended, the male was found to be very intoxicated and in the company of four other people. All left campus when asked.

14:36 Report that a pigeon had gained access to the PEMC Building. Security assisted the pigeon in leaving.

07:22 Report of a person trapped in a lift in Highfield House. On investigation, this was found to be the result of the emergency stop button being pressed. The person was assisted to leave the lift, and the lift was restored to normal operation.

13:20 Report of a quad bike driving dangerously on Cut Through Lane. The driver was abusive towards Security. Security to follow up.

17:20 Report of a group of youths on the roof of the Trent Building. Security attended; the youths were found to have already left the roof, and were inside the building. All left when instructed. Security to follow up.

09:30 Report that a pigeon had entered a room in Hall. The pigeon was assisted to leave the room. Hall Manager informed.

21:50 Security witnessed six males near the Djanogly Terrace, University Park. Two of the males who were completely naked explained that they had been the fountains. The males were drunk and celebrating St Patrick’s Day. They were asked to move on and leave campus, which they did.

And finally…

15:00 Report of a fallen tree in the Sutton Bonington Arboretum. Estates Helpdesk informed.

There were no indications that it made any sound.

If you’ve enjoyed this or any of the previous editions of True Crime on Campus then you’ll be keen to get hold of the moderately popular book of the same name, now available at a bargain price. You can order it for only a quid (yes, just £1, plus postage) directly from the University of Nottingha.m online shop or from Amazon if you prefer as well as on Kindle for only £1.99.

It really remains the ideal lockdown companion and this is probably your last chance to buy before we run out.

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