This article is more than 8 years old

True Crime on Campus §49: Up on the roof

Once more it's time for more True Crime on Campus. This time featuring some enthusiastic climbers and more #beastsofuon
This article is more than 8 years old

Paul Greatrix is an HE expert and was until recently Registrar at the University of Nottingham

It’s the end of term and, as these extracts from some recent university security reports show, there have been some challenging situations on campus. Fortunately our ever-vigilant Security staff are there to deal with every problem whether it involves people on roofs or injured animals:

05:30 Three students spotted on the new GSK/CSC Building roof by officers on patrol. Students claimed to be unaware this was forbidden as there is no signage. Security to follow up. Estates and the Safety Office informed so as to avoid this being a frequent issue.

New laboratory. With a roof which makes people want to walk on it apparently.
New laboratory. With a roof which makes people want to walk on it apparently.

1600 Report of youths on the Canopy adjacent to Humanities, Security attended and stopped the group and spoke to them. The Police were called to attend.

1820 Patrol Security Officers observed two males one of whom was seen on the roof of the Pope Building. Both males were detained by Security Officers. They were identified as Students and both had been drinking. They will be reported to the Head of Security.

1630 Report that a Hopper Bus had driven into the canopy outside the Arts Centre, Security attended. On Officers’ arrival the Bus had left the area and a team from the Bus Company arrived to clear up the glass. Officers have recovered photographs and details of the incident. Estates and Procurement are to be informed. There were no reported injuries.

0211 Security provided access to Hall for a Student who claimed to have accidentally thrown her keys onto a roof. The Hall Warden is to be informed.

1945 Report of persons on the roof of Physics Building Security attended and a group youths were found to be on the roof. All were removed and told to leave Campus.

1215 Report of a knife on the roof of a Bus stop on East Drive, Security attended and removed the knife.

1217 Report of a person on the roof of Portland Building, Security attended. The person was located by Officers and they were identified as a Student. They claimed to have been playing hide and seek. The Compliance and Investigations Manager is to be informed.

0010 Report of persons on the roof of a building adjacent to Humanities, Security attended Officers and searched the area but no one could be located on any roof.

1545 Report of a group of Students on the roof at Trent Building. Security attended and spoke to the Students – they had climbed through a window and onto the roof to take photographs. Security Officers are to follow up with Estates to prevent this occurring again.

They had permission - a group of Registrars on the roof of the Trent Building.
They had permission – a group of Registrars on the roof of the Trent Building

1050 Request from the Police for information about a Student. The reason for the request was that the Student’s house was on fire. The information was provided to the Police and the Off Campus Support team have been informed.

2025 Report of a disturbance in Hall Bar area. Security attended on arrival Officers found no disturbance. Students were having a drink celebrating finishing their exams.

0410 Report of a group of Students fighting outside Hall, Security attended on arrival the group were friends and being noisy. There was no fighting or disagreement. The group was asked to keep the noise down.

0820 Patrol Security Officers discovered the Nottingham sign on the grass bank adjacent to Cripps Hill has been damaged. The letter I has been broken off. Security Officers have removed the letter for safe keeping Estates Help Desk to be informed.

The letter I has now been restored
The letter I has now been restored

1050 Report of graffiti about Donald Trump in Portland Building. Security attended cleaning staff were already removing the graffiti.

2045 Patrol Security found a number of lambs out of their field at Sutton Bonington. The Farm Manager was contacted both he and Security were able to round up the lambs and get them back in their field.

11:40 Report received of a large dead rat behind Melton Hall. Estates Helpdesk informed.

1233 Report of a goose with a limp adjacent to the Lakeside Highfield Lake. Security attended but the goose could not be located.

1620 Report of an aggressive horse loose in the area adjacent to Sutton Bonington Campus. Security and Police with the assistance of staff from the Vet School were able to get the horse into a field and secure it there. The owner of the Horse has yet to be identified.

1700 Report of an injured heron adjacent to the Lake on Jubilee Campus. Security has informed the RSPCA who stated that they would attend within 24 hours.

1635 Report of a disturbance involving a group of Students adjacent to Portland Building, Security attended and on arrival they found the Vice Chancellor calming the situation down. After speaking to the Students concerned they were allowed to leave. The matter is to be reported to the Compliance and Investigations Manager.

0005 Report that a guest in Cripps Annexe could not find his room. The guest had been drinking, Officers attended the guest stated he was in room 9. Officers looked at his key and showed the guest he was in room 6 he had the key fob upside down.

2044 Report of a body lying on the grass at the side of College Road. Security attended and on arrival Officers found a number of people lying on the grass. They were all star gazing and lying down was the most comfortable way to do it.

Note that the Vice-Chancellor is not routinely directly involved in responding to incidents.

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