New term, new crime
New challenges for our ever-vigilant Security team. For those new to the series (it’s §44, where have you been?) I would like to stress that all of the following are taken from genuine Security reports at the University of Nottingham. The names of people and halls have been removed to avoid the possibility of identification and, occasionally, a few tweaks have been made to ensure clarity. This time there are some particularly novel incidents faced and those sheep at Sutton Bonington are causing trouble again
1315 Report that furniture in Hall JCR had been turned upside down. Those responsible who carried this out did so in view of CCTV and will be reported to Hall Warden.
2320 Patrol Security Officers found the water feature at Humanities Building full of bubbles. It appears that persons unknown have put washing up liquid in the water and the fountains and created a large amount of bubbles.
0914 Report of Wasps in Hall, Security attended due to the number of Wasps Mitie were contacted and asked to attend the next working day. The Hall Manager is to be informed.
1115 Fire alarm in Hall. Cause of the activation was due to burnt food in a microwave. Security attended and put the burnt food in a sink full of water. The Hall Manager is to be informed.
A dangerous game
0950 Security contacted DC regarding door settings for the Barn. Delegates attending a Scrabble tournament were having issues accessing the building.
1200 Report that a Scrabble player required an Ambulance due to tripping over in the Barn. Security attended and Ambulance attended the person was taken to Hospital.
19:35 Security received a report of a student who had scalded their hand on a cup of hot tea. On arrival Security placed the students hand under cool running water for ten minutes and then bandaged the burn and advised if the pain increased got to A&E or her own doctor. Details to be sent to Safety Office.
09:00 Security came across a photo shoot located outside the Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus. The photo shoot involved two women pole dancing and a photographer. Security informed them that they had to leave campus, all items packed up and they left campus.
1615 Report that Sheep had escaped from a field at Sutton Bonington Campus, Security attended and with the assistance from Students was able to get the Sheep back into the field. The Farm Manager was informed the fence was repaired.
1535 A member of the Public contacted Security to complain about the cyclists riding on the pathway adjacent to Highfield Lake.
09:30 Whilst on patrol Security witnessed a Hopper Bus speeding on Campus. EK informed.
15:42 Fire alarm activation at Hall, University Park. False alarm. This was due the tutor cooking.
22:30 Security were called to Hall as a drunk Student had urinated in a bin near the bar area. Warden informed.
0500 Patrol Security Officers found a male asleep in a vehicle parked in Main Visitors car park. Officers woke the male who confirmed he was a Student and had been working late. He was having a sleep before going home as he was tired.
0220 A member of Staff asked Security to check office as they thought they may have left a portable heater on in their office. Security attended and turned the heater off. 1
1201 Report of a Blackbird with an injury adjacent to Cripps Hall, Security attended and the Blackbird was located. Officers contacted the RSPCA for advice. Officers were told to leave the bird where it was.
0337 A member of Staff contacted Security as she was concerned that she had left a heater on in her Office. Security attended the heater was turned off. 2
1000 Security were requested to remove padlocks from the televisions in the Portland Building so that the area could be decorated. The padlocks had a code which no one in the area could remember. The padlocks were removed. The Manager responsible for the area is to obtain new locks.
Lock down
2010 Report that of a male was swimming in Highfield Lake. Security attended and spoke to the male who stated that he had done this for a dare. The male then got dressed and left the area.
1950 Report that a Student at Sutton Bonington had called an Ambulance as they had sustained an injury falling from their Horse. Security attended. The Student was taken to Hospital.
1410 A member of the Public contacted Security to say that the Drone he had been flying had crashed onto the roof of Physics and could he have it back. Security Officers spoke to the member of the Public and stated that the Drone would be recovered on Monday and that they would need to come to the Security Office at Hallward Library to discuss their actions.
The fun never stops round here.